Who needs a laugh? It’s relatively quiet today in Trump world. Daddy screamed at all his enemies and got it out of his system. The lawyers got included in their mouthy defendant’s gag order. I don’t know if that’s a first, but it most probably is. Controversial defendants on the stand are nothing new. Controversial defendants who make a mockery out of the proceedings, the judge and the judge’s staff, are purely Trumpian.

Let’s hope Donald gets some good rest this weekend. He’s up on Monday. Then Eric and Junior may return to the stand on Tuesday and then Wednesday, all the lights of Broadway will dim when Princess Ivanka shows up to take the stand. So for today, here’s your Trump world Court TV ration.

Interesting that we are to believe that these are Wharton School Of Finance graduates but they don’t know anything about accounting or finance — and actually, that is believable. Maybe they did pay people to take exams for them. That’s what Daddy supposedly did.

Everybody is wondering how Donald Senior will play it on Monday. Will he go along with his sons and claim that it’s the lawyers and accountants’ fault and they are blameless? They just saw documents and signed them, without actually knowing anything about them. Does anybody believe that’s going to fly?

Both Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dumber denied working on statements of financial condition. Eric went out of his way to say, “I pour cement” and “I manage properties.” the only problem with that is that the prosecution has documents showing that the brothers signed off on deals which involved the use of financial statements to confirm Senior’s alleged wealth at the time.

Plus, Senior gave Junior and Eric power of attorney, so they were signing documents on his behalf, including bank certifications, and those bank certifications affirmed the use of statements of financial conditions to verify Trump’s net worth and assets.

Point being, their testimony last week caused both Junior and Eric to trip over their own shoelaces.

It will be interesting to see how Senior reacts on the stand Monday. This is going to be a classic day.


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    • Well, if your “prime examples” is supposed to refer to their possible paying for someone else to take their tests and do their college work, then that has virtually zero to do with “legacy students” and more to do with “rich families.” Yes, “legacy” students may be prone to graduation without actually having done the work but so are students from rich families.
      BUT, bear in mind that legacy students also exist in HBCU schools; they are a much smaller percentage of the HBCU population but they do exist and they are an important part of the schools’ histories.
      I’m not disagreeing with you on the general practice or the way the practice tends to be abused (especially outside the HBCU system) and I genuinely believe it should’ve been scuttled by SCOTUS in the school admissions case (the members of the Court who ruled that race shouldn’t be considered in applications obviously didn’t think how legacies are prioritized over even race–or, more likely, didn’t care because they’re not generally affected in racial matters) but I would never consider the Trumps (papa or the offspring) to be “prime examples” of much of anything, except money-grubbing scum or a reason for making the wealthy pay much higher taxes even if they plead poverty.

  1. They blindly and arrogantly continue to exercise their falsehoods on their criminal existence, whilst under oath and on public record. Their craven lying performances are extensions of IDK, IDC, and IDGAF as per their mob family existence. Their individual and collective day of reckoning will come, with indelible – legal, moral, ethical, political – consequential force. This crime family is in its death throws. Goodbye Don Don and your spawn, you won’t be missed one iota.

    • if Eric ever spent time on site pouring “cement”, he should know it’s “concrete” that you pour. Cement is just a component of concrete, like flour is to a cake. I call bull$hit on his claim.

  2. The whole family needs to be reminded that ANY legal document that bears their signature makes THEM equally guilty of any wrongdoing. And if you accept “power of attorney” from someone–for whatever reason–and you act in/on their behalf, then any crime they committed while you hold that power, well, you’re held accountable for it as well; the reverse of that–where someone holding the power of attorney commits a crime–is generally not applied to the person who’s ceded their power to another (the law really has to dig around to find if that person has any responsibility or connection to a crime).
    I mean, when you sign your tax return, you’re admitting that EVERYTHING on that document is accurate and you’re doing so under penalty of perjury. If you’ve handed over your tax papers to an accountant for him to do your return, when you go in to sign the document, again, YOU are swearing, under penalty of perjury, that everything on that document is accurate (your tax preparer is also swearing to the accuracy) whether you pore over every single figure and memorize every single digit and monetary figure or you just sign it without so much as a cursory glance at the paper. Failing to read a document you sign doesn’t provide you with a proverbial “get out of jail free” card if something goes awry.

  3. unfortunately, they’re not on the court of public opinion,,They are on the Court of Law.
    Being a Jackass isn’t evidence, however Bank records are evidence 🤔.
    We the People,
    never forget that 3 word truth.

  4. Huh. If a,wife signs off on fraudulwnt tax forms because she trusts hubby, she can end up in jail. Threaten the Trumpy Trio with sharing Dad’s fate.


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