The corpulent orange man may not be a fan of fake news, (although he certainly generates enough of it) but he loves him some fake Elvis. Oh, yes. It’s December 31, 2023, and as the last hours of the year tick down, Donald Trump sits alone at Mar-a-Lago, in a room which looks like the entertainment section of a geriatric cruise ship.

Do such things exist? I know a lot of older folks go on cruises, largely because they can finally afford to do so in retirement, but are there exclusively elders-only trips? Anyhow, take a look at this ship of fools on their own voyage of the damned. Trump’s sailing into 2024 and it’s a dead certain guarantee that his 78th year on this planet will be a memorable one indeed.

Anybody see Melania? I didn’t see Melania. Here, let’s look again.

As a matter of fact, it doesn’t look like anybody is anywhere near Trump. Can it be that these stories about his odor are not only true but the stench has gotten even worse? Who knows? I wonder if the impersonator will do this tune?

I think Trump needs to hire the Melania impersonator to keep him company so the rumors don’t keep flying. For that matter, where’s Alina? Where’s Jeanine? Where’s Jenna? Oh, that’s right, Jenna’s been burnt toast for quite some time, ever since she endorsed Ron DeSantis. Never mind.

Trump’s not having a good New Year’s Eve on a lot of levels.

I would love to know what other remarks he made. I’m willing to bet top dollar that he still gives the same “wedding toast” as he did in this clip.

You see, Donald. You’re loved. People are writing poetry to you on New Year’ Eve. That’s so special. Here’s my contribution to Trump’s New Year’s Eve. Appropriate, don’t you think?

January 15 will be a big day for the orange man. Let’s see what happens then. Things are going to start moving fast!

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  1. Senior are not a monolith that flocks to cruise ships and loves them some Mar-a-Lardo. Please stop feeding into that trope.

    Try “trump supporters” or “club members”.

    • Not much of a trope when it is senior citizens in FL. They flocked to former guy like ants to sugar. And yes, it is a bit of hyperbole but less than one would think. I honestly wonder if the hot, humid climate down there stewed their brains into gelatinous goo.

      • Funny, but friends are pretty far left,, and I am. 74. And my husband and another friend are,vets. We aren’t monolithic. You are talking about the rich, because those,are the ones,who retire in McMansions, and they are GOP over taxes.

      • You’re right. It’s not much of a trope if it’s a bunch of old white folks sitting stiffly thin-lipped and un-entertained. If you just panned the audience without sound you’d think they might be at a memorial gathering. How can people privileged by race and money look so somber? That may be why Epstein had people like them on his list. Maybe that’s what the men need to come alive. Or at least look like they’re alive?

  2. The Melania impersonator will have lost her sense of smell due to Covid. She chose the no shots/no mask side of the aisle. Now her world stinks and she is unaware.


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