Sweet Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, how many fucking times do I have to keep hammering away on the law of unintended consequences? GOPnuts are so desperate right now that they’re running all over the place, shooting from the hip, without ever considering that there could be different interpretations for what they say and do.

Florida Trombie acolyte GOP Governor Ron Pissantis just had to go off and shoot the moon. Following the civil unrest after the murder of George Floyd, GOP legislators lined u in a Death Race 2020 to find new and exciting ways to stop brown and black people from protesting. And of course, trump’s little Sunshine State Handmaiden had to be the biggest and best. So he signed a law that gave drivers a free pass for any injuries that they might cause if they drove their vehicles through a crowd of protesters in a street.

Nice going Dipshit. MSNBC is reporting that one person is dead, and at least one more person injured when some moron drove his white pickup truck into a crowd at the start of an authorized Gay Pride parade in a gay enclave right at the nonterm edge of Fort Lauderdale. Video footage obtained by NBC News showed cops surrounding a man in handcuffs, hopefully the driver of the vehicle, and not some poor gay who was hysterical.

Godfuckingdamn! How could these morons not see this coming?!? If you’re going to create a law specifically designed to discriminate against people you don’t like, and purposely leave the wording vague and ambiguous, how can you be amazed when some inbred idiot suddenly decides to interpret the law, and take it into his own two hands?!?

Congratulations Governor Pissantis. From where I’M sitting?, you are now a co-defendant on a first degree murder charge, guilty of aiding and abetting. You personally helped to set up a situation in which every wahoo with a drivers license now has the right to decide what qualifies as an unauthorized protest, and take the law into his or her own hands. Sweet dreams scumbag, and good luck trying to ignore that shimmering visage sitting on the footboard when you close your eyes tonight.

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  1. It was the truck driver, who was wearing a shirt from the local gay chorus. Not sure WTF he was doing – he *says* it was an accident. But what parade lets people drive toward the line (at the start, no less)?
    (The ones I’ve been in, the units were on side streets and moved into line as it passed. They weren’t all that small – something like 70 to 90 units, with bands and horses and old firetrucks and all kinds of local things. (Think Rose Parade, without TV and multinational corporate sponsorships.)

  2. After much reading @ many sites it does appear to have been a very sad accident. I do agree with Murph though that others of ill will with hate in their hearts will use it as a weapon with a built in defense. 🙁

    • That group sought and obtained a permit for their parade. Happens damned near every day somewhere in this country. Personally, in my sixty plus years I’ve sometimes been in the crowd enjoying a parade, sometimes even been in one and sometimes got caught up wanting to get somewhere and having to either figure out a detour and whether taking it would be faster and easier than just waiting for the thing to be over. Again, that happens all the time here in our own country and in other ones.

      Parades take place on streets dumbass! If you don’t approve of one for whatever reason, complain to the authorities where it’s being held.

      Oh, while we are on the subject of legal stuff with a permit and ILLEGAL stuff that doesn’t have a permit let me remind you of something. There was in fact a permit to hold a rally on the National Mall across from the WH on January 6. As we know it was hoped by the planners that it would incite a riot and sure enough it did. Those seditious assholes did NOT have a permit to march on to the Capitol Grounds! Nor did they have a permit to go inside the barricades that had been set up.

      Those traitorous motherfuckers did so anyway. They breached the barricades, breached doors and windows in the Capitol and invaded it waving their goddamned racist Confederate flags (something even Confederate soldiers never managed to do during the Civil War), Trump and Q flags and didn’t just vandalize the Capitol. They made a special effort on that score by not just defacing stuff and stealing things but pissing and smearing shit around on the walls! “Real” Americans eh? They beat hundreds of Capitol Police Officers (not the handful who actually helped them carry out their insurrection of course) and sent over 150 to the hospital. People died.

      Again, they did NOT have a permit to march to where they did or to trespass on to the Capitol Grounds, much less past the barricades.

      Now the relative handful (five or six hundred out of ten times that many who entered the Capitol grounds and the two or three thousand who entered the Capitol itself) are whining about being arrested. Whining about not getting pardoned by Trump. Whining about being “persecuted” – because they are “Shocked! Shocked I say!” that their crimes are being prosecuted.

      So, I say if you don’t like being investigated, charged and prosecuted for trespass, insurrection and other related crimes don’t be stupid and storm the United States Capitol to try and prevent the Congress from carrying out a formerly routine CONSTITUTIONAL function that prior to Jan. 6, even in hotly disputed elections had been carried out with minimal fanfare prior to Trump and the likes of MAGAt goobers like you.


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