Just one more indicator that the 2024 election is going to be a war fought on many fronts, the most basic of them being capable vs. stupid. The Republicans are not doing themselves any good with their insistence to turn back reproductive rights to the Stone Age. This has been made evident the past three elections. People want reproductive choice and Roe and Dobbs are cobblestones in the road to GOP defeat. Now, the Governor of California is making a statement with this ad and he’s getting a lot of blowback for it.

The Guardian:

California’s governor, Gavin Newsom, is launching a series of new advertisements in Republican states targeting Republican efforts to criminalize having an abortion and “a war on travel” for reproductive care.

The first advertisement by Campaign for Democracy, Newsom’s political action committee (Pac), will air this week in Tennessee, where lawmakers are considering legislation that would make it illegal for anyone who helps a minor obtain an abortion without permission from their parents. Anyone found guilty of the offense could face between three and 15 years in prison.

Newsom’s ad opens with a young woman handcuffed to a hospital bed as she cries out for help. “Trump Republicans want to criminalize young women who travel to receive the reproductive care they need,” a voiceover says. “Don’t let them hold Tennessee women hostage.”

Gavin articulates the Democratic posture on this issue and Trump chimes in with his version, sounding like a complete moron. Trump likes the number sixteen. Maybe a numerologist explained that sixteen is six plus one and that makes seven and that’s a lucky number. And in all truth, as far gone as Trump is, I would not be the least surprised to hear delusional pap like that come out of his mouth with respect to an issue as serious as abortion. It would be right on point.

“I worry about the United States supreme court that, again, set the tone and tenor for the debate we’re having today. And again, it’s not just a war on travel. It’s not just a war on reproductive healthcare. It’s also a war on women more broadly defined, including as we know, contraceptives,” Newsom said.

Trump has reportedly expressed private support for an abortion ban after 16 weeks of pregnancy, according to the New York Times. “Know what I like about 16?” Trump told one of these people, who was given anonymity to describe a private conversation. “It’s even. It’s four months,” he has said, according to the Times.

Newsom was skeptical Trump would stick to 16 weeks. “He supports a national ban. And if you’re Lindsey Graham and others, they’re going to bring that down well below 16. He will sign a national ban,” he said on Meet the Press.

We need many more ads just like this one. And we may very well see them. Frankly, I think a great ad would be Newsom and Trump side by side, Newsom sounding cogent and factual and Trump being his idiot self. It would be a classic, like the mash up that Jimmy Kimmel did of Trump announcing the death of Al Bagdadi and Obama announcing Saddam Hussein’s death. I can see it now.

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  1. So Newsome is in the presidential race now?
    When I saw him debate Flop Gov (DeSantis) I had a feeling that the DNC was positioning him as a replacement for Biden. I am more convinced now. Especially after hearing rumors that Biden plans to drop out after the primaries, freeing his delegates to go to Newsome.
    While not my first choice, he would be a helluva lot better than Biden and actually has a chance to clobber the Mango MAGA god.

  2. It worse than that. TX is trying to pass a law banning a TX woman from. traveling to another state to get an abortion. Two cities and two counties have already done so. What are they gonna do, force any woman driving through their area,to take,a pregnancy test? It is unenforceable, but still scary as he’ll. And for once,,Brett Cavanaugh and I actually agree.


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