It’s no surprise that Mike Lindell is not too tightly wrapped. However, one would have the expectation that he would remember which candidate he endorsed for the governorship of Ohio for at least one day. I mean, that doesn’t seem to be too challenging, but apparently for Lindell, in the condition he’s in, yes it is.

Lindell also has problems pronouncing peoples’ names and don’t I know that, having been rechristianed Yersoola Faw, Uzilla Faw and other such bastardizations. If you missed my fifteen minutes of fame on the Jimmy Kimmel show, check it out now. Lindell is doing a similar thing to this poor gubernatorial candidate. Believe me, I know how the guy feels. Cincinnatti Enquirer:

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell couldn’t pronounce the name of the man he had supposedly endorsed for Ohio governor earlier that day.

“The Jim Renacci (Reh-NEE-shaw) endorsement in Ohio. I did not endorse him,” Lindell said on a livestreamed Facebook video. “People were misconstrued. There was a lot of confusion. Somebody put it out there.”

That somebody was the campaign of former U.S. Rep. Jim Renacci, one of three Republicans hoping to unseat GOP Gov. Mike DeWine in this May’s primary.

Shortly before 9 a.m. Friday, Renacci emailed media to tout his new endorsement: “Mike Lindell has entered the Ohio Political Scene this week, endorsing Jim Renacci for Governor of Ohio in his bid to remove RINO Mike Dewine.”

But that endorsement quickly unraveled, smothered either because of miscommunication, an unreliable endorser or backlash against Renacci from Republicans who see him as another “Republican in Name Only.”

It appeared on Friday morning that Renacci had won the pillow fight – until he hadn’t.

A few hours after Renacci touted the endorsement, Cincinnati-area chemist Douglas Frank, who is also a purveyor of election falsehoods, shared a text message chain that he said was between him and a baffled Lindell.

“Everyone is atwitter in Ohio, wondering why you would endorse an establishment RINO who has been calling you a nutjob for over a year,” Frank, who backs Blystone for governor, wrote in a text message to Lindell.

“Tell them I am not endorsing him !!!!” Lindell supposedly replied to Frank.

So this went on for a bit on social media. Then Brad Parscale jumped in with his two cents.

Then came Lindell’s Facebook livestream.

“So that is not true with Jim – Reh-NAH-she or NAH-key, NAH-she? – endorsement. That is not true,” Lindell said. The proper pronunciation is reh-NAY-see.

Shortly after, Renacci adviser Brad Parscale responded on Facebook, saying Lindell had promised his endorsement to friend Knopp in text messages.  […]

“Well I thought Mike Lindell was an honorable man. I was wrong,” Parscale wrote. “Giving your word to someone and then calling them a liar is the worst. Especially a friend. Mike, sad to see what you have become.”

When you’ve lost Brad Parscale, you know you’re on the way down and out.

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