This is an interesting development. Perhaps Lisa Murkowski is having a spasm of conscience about voting to keep Donald Trump in office, when she and the rest of the GOP, know that he was guilty as hell and should have been removed. Or, maybe she’s decided that the upside of supporting Trump is now supplanted by his downside. In all events, she reports that she is “struggling” with the decision of whether she should vote for him or not. The Hill:

“When I saw Gen. Mattis’s comments yesterday I felt like perhaps we’re getting to the point where we can be more honest with the concerns we might hold internally and have the courage of our convictions and speak up,” she told The Washington Post’s Paul Kane, who pooled the remarks and sent them to other Senate reporters.

Asked if she could vote for Trump in the 2020 election, Murkowski admitted, “I am struggling with it. I have struggled with it for a long time.”

She noted that Trump is “our duly elected president” and said “I will continue to work with him” and “I will continue to work with this administration.”

But she said she doesn’t know how to fully respond to Trump’s controversial handling of social justice protests that have swept the country, in particular his order to clear a crowd of peaceful protesters in front of the White House and his threat to deploy thousands of active-duty troops to restore order.

“I think right now as we are all struggling to find ways to express the words that need to be expressed appropriately, questions about who I’m going to vote for [or] not going to vote for I think are distracting at the moment,” she said.

This is GOP-speak for “somebody else had the balls to go out on the ice, thank God, and maybe I’ll inch forward like a snail now myself, because I’m terrified to do what I know is right.” I suppose we need to look at this as a glass half full scenario. If Murkowski is saying anything honest about having reservations about Trump, that is a step in the right direction.

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  1. The dominos are starting. If someone else speaking out, helped her find the nerve that’s ok with me. I am just glad she’s doing it.

  2. Ursula, your final paragraph here is a classic & says it all about the spineless sycophants of the Greed Over Principles party. You made my day (again).

    • They are such cowards. And these are men and women who are supposed to be leaders. I simply marvel at the lack of moral fiber.

  3. Trumps trail of EVIL is littered with bodies of children, families & the elderly who had no place to run. Lisa may not be sure but saying the Devil sometimes is misguided & you’re not sure if the pile of destruction is quite high enough for you. Hey. I have a suggestion…go take a flying phuk @ a rolling doughnut. Wait…they don’t roll while French kissing the Evil One. Nevermind.

  4. Murkowski sees what the rest of us do: the bottom of this seemingly endless pit is coming and nobody wants to be anywhere near Trump when he hits it. She’s only echoing what Coulter and Robertson have been saying and that’s just because Trump’s an active detriment to their racket, power and influence.

  5. Wow! Doublespeak – triplespeak – what-EVER! She’s STRUGGLING!? Her “struggle” is between the rightful condemnation of the awfulness of the continuing unlawful and brutal actions of this administration – and drmpf in particular – and risking the rage of the toddler in the White House. That’s her struggle! There should BE no struggle at all. She should have spoken out already – so many times, beginning right after his corpulent self shambled into the oval office and immediately started his destruction (under instruction and encouragement of his handlers).

    • She’s saying whatever she thinks will spare her judgment for her enabling. As Albert Camus noted, all of us are guilty of the good we did not do and for Murkowski, that is quite the pile.

    • It was SO frustrating listening to her weak, weaselly, waffley, half-assed statement. Just like it’s been frustrating SO many times when it looked like she might do the right thing, only to have her fold at the last minute (think Kavanaugh, impeachment). She’s led us down this merry path a time too many. The Dems in Alaska need to get a strong candidate to run against her, someone with a spine that will actually stand up FOR the people and stand up TO the criminals.

    • Bill Palmer rightly noted the only use for someone like her is as barometer. If she’s fleeing NOW, it means she knows the party’s over.

  6. By allowing this Nazi loving career criminal walk on a mountain of clear evidence, which would have gotten the rest of us being defended by a public defender, thrown in jail for life, well…i have one thing to say to Lisa & my senators in my state…PHUK YOU!!!

  7. It’s the same feeling I get when I remember the picture of the 2yr old girl lying face down dead with her little arm around her dead daddy in the rio Grande. All the result of a serial killer in the white house who ignored all the immigration laws, hid the Evil, & sent countless families to their hell on earth. I know Lisa & all the guilty parties should be grateful I’m powerless to sentence them to whatever hell I could devise. Like Billy jack, when I see these dead children, it makes me want to go berserk.

  8. Long time coming. I do hope these spineless cowards grow a spine or not. I am sure there are others in line for their jobs.


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