Donald Trump, a man who cannot open his mouth without a lie tumbling out of it, has accused Vice President Harris of staging a call on which FEMA briefed her on the response to Hurricane Helene. Trump claimed that her earbuds were not plugged into he phone even though the photo that he used as evidence to back up his claim clearly shows that the earbuds were plugged in.

It is astounding to me that anyone at all gives credence to the barley coherent ramblings of this idiot under whose influence an entire political party’s platform has devolved into pathetic series of easily refuted fake stories, stunts and, yes, “staged” controversies that would make a WWE wrestler blush in embarrassment.

But such is the state of our republic in 2024:

The Palmer Report

“Even as President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris continue to handle the post-hurricane crisis adeptly, Donald Trump keeps making up lies about how they’re supposedly ignoring the crisis. Trump took things to a whole new level today when he claimed that a photo of Harris on the phone with FEMA was “FAKE and STAGED” because her earbuds weren’t plugged in. But if you zoom in on the photo that Trump posted, you can pretty clearly see that the cable is plugged in:

And here, by zooming in, is a photo which clearly shows the cord from her earbuds connected to the phone:

“This is a new level of embarrassment and self-own for Donald Trump. He just keeps getting more confused about what’s going on. He’s trying to spew lie after lie, but he’s too far gone to even figure out how to lie correctly.”

Well, that is fair, Mr.Palmer, but the purpose of Trump’s does not require that that his accusations be backed up by anything out there in the real world. All that matters is that he airs the lies and a compliant media simply restates them, and that they remain too timid to call him the liar that he demonstrably is.

Trump’s BS did not go un-refuted tho, on Twitter:

Looks intact to me.

But he would prefer 1897…

Quite an achievement.


And badly at that.

🤣🤣🤣 Totally stealing that one.

Sound up. What a liar.

That can’t be a Bible… it would have burst into flames.


I know it can be tiresome, having to do read along every day as we at PolitiZoom do the job of the mainstream press and point out each lie that Trump invents. But his lies cannot go uncontested entirely, there is simply too much at stake…

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  1. Thank you for calling the devil out. John 8:42-47…he (the devil), was a murderer and a LIAR from the beginning and when he speaks lies, he speaks his native language for there is no truth in him. Geez orangebob shitpants…that’s you! Does Satan know you’re after his throne?

  2. I’m remembering when diaper stain toyed with the idea of not sending relief funds to CA during the fires because the state went overwhelmingly for Hilary. He doesn’t get that being in public service means you care about ALL your countryfolk, not just your base. He thinks everyone is as callow, selfish, petty and petulant as he is. He wouldn’t know a selfless act if it bit him on the ass.
    How can anyone trust that he will tell the truth about real threats, or anything for that matter, when he lies about EVERYTHING. And I’m supposed to believe that it’s a neck and neck race for the presidency?

    • Yeah…remember how he got the place in CALIFORNIA wrong as he was standing among the ruins? Instead of Paradise he called it Pleasure. How 70+ MILLION can stand with this evil asshole will continue to lie beyond belief, reason, or understanding. Ever notice those that lurk here and vote down never explain why or what was wrong with the statement to begin with? Evil is impossible
      to justify.

  3. Projection, thy name is von shitzinpants.

    What a fool. The king of fools. That is his ONE claim to greatness-he is the biggest fool of them all.

  4. “You have to plug the cord into the phone for it to work! ”

    I don’t know about anyone else but my ear buds are still in the box as I have never used them – and the phone works perfectly well.

    To me, that shows how much the idiot is divorced from reality

  5. Each & every day Trumplethinskin The Coward gets more desperate and panicked. His tweets project that he knows he’s already lost. The vast chasm between the 2 candidates continues to grow as the professional Con artist flails out in desperation looking like the biggest sociopath – a jaw-dropping incredible embarrassment in the history of Presidential Candidates in these United States of America.


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