You’ve got to love the Sunday news shows, they’ve become a new form of niche entertainment in America, part satire part political theater. Whereas this form of programming, back when it started, was intended as a public service and a forum to give the country a chance to kick back on a Sunday morning and catch up with weighty matters being analyzed by experts, it’s now pure farce. It’s far more cartoon than commentary.

Here is Stephen Miller telling Fox News that white farmers could and would be getting more money if Joe Biden wasn’t in office. He’s probably right. If Trump was still there, the black farmers probably would still be getting screwed out of their rightful share. In all events, this is a hot button issue, Joe Biden giving away money to underserving _____ (fill in the blank with your favorite racial epithet) when it should be going to the white farmers. This is meant to rattle cages.

And Miller doesn’t stop there. He goes on to analogize the Biden border policy to a landlord who rips off all your doors and windows and says anybody can come in your place anytime they want. So that’s why he and Ken Paxton have to sue, to make everything right.

White people of America, the only thing that stands between you and complete destruction is Stephen Miller and Ken Paxton. Sigh. How stupid can it get? Tune in next Sunday and you’ll find out.



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  1. There is a seriously eerie resemblence in the two photos at the top of the piece. I have often wondered about Stephen Miller’s wife. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but her features look kind of hispanic to me.

    • Look at Miller himself. Put him in an ill fitting suit and add a pair of black horned-rim glasses and then look at some of the pictures of Adolf Eichman on the stand at his Nuremburg trial.

  2. I’m very surprised that Miller, who is Jewish, has been embraced by the far right. In Charlotesville the neo-nazis were marching and chanting Jews will not replace us. White supremacists are well known for their anti-semitic views. Is it possible that Herr Miller, who has been disowned by his Jewish family, has them all fooled?

  3. In a continuation of the death of irony he participated in under the previous regime, this is the man who complained that Biden’s speech lacked ‘warmth’.
    Leading some to opine that what he thinks is ‘human warmth’ is that which is emitted from Nazi crematoria.

  4. last I heard, they weren’t allowing everyone to cross the border. (In fact they rescued a couple of dozen people being smuggled in on a boat that broke up, off Torrey Pines, near San Diego. They’ll be sent back. But the two that apparently were doing the smuggling were arrested.)

  5. Well, on behalf of THIS white person, I reject Stephen Miller’s plans as he does NOT represent me.

    I would, however, support any effort he would make in flushing himself down a toilet. That’s where piles of feces usually end up.

  6. Let me say, as a Carolina guy, go to hell dook! Hey stevie, I hear the lead role in Springtime For Hitler is open. You’ll never top the original, but give it your nazi best with a dash of weasel soul. Be sure to wear those fetching knee high brown suede boots dick wore at the audition.

  7. How embarrassing that a fellow Ashkenazi Jew who’s whole family came to the States as refugees from hatred can become such a Nazi himself. I say this to all of you here: to you-all, he’s just another disgusting pig, asshole, racist. But to me, he is a traitor to EVERYTHING the Jewish people should stand for. He is a traitor to everything a great rabbi named Ira Eisenstein (google him if you people wish to), who was a friend of my father’s, taught me at my Bar Mitzvah in 1974. I have tried my whole life to be a good human being. To be kind and considerate and caring and just simply GOOD to others. In short, I strive to be a “mentsch”! I don’t always succeed. But when it turns out that I was inadvertently an asshole to someone, I REALLY apologize because that is NEVER my intention. In short, I am pretty darn far from perfect, but I really want to always be seen as “good”. So when I see what this god-forsaken bastard does to other human beings it offends me to my soul, in a way that those of you who were not brought up in the left-wing Jewish moral code could not “get”. He doesn’t just make me angry or disgusted – he offends the very core of my being. I TRULY despise this monster.


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