I suppose we could call it a Freudian slip that Jason Miller, reknowned for getting an aide pregnant and then refusing to pay child support, and slipping an abortion-inducing pill to another woman, would choose a name for his social media site that conjures up these unfortunate visions. But seriously, how else would you pronounce that group of letters other than “get her” or “gutter” and neither one has a really swell connotation. Say what you will about Parler or Gab, at least they make a reference to speaking which is recognizable. But GETTR? What TH is that?

Is there’s a “her” that they’re out to get, it is probably this one. Or, maybe this site will be dedicated to targeting all women, or all successful women. Jesus, there’s a scary thought. But then again, Trump world is nothing if not bad dystopian science fiction.

Bill Cosby’s out of the slammer now. Maybe he should go on GETTR and give dating advice.

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  1. For some reason, that last paragraph makes me think of an old political cartoon comparing Ollie North being a Senator as smart as making Michael Jackson part of Child Welfare, the Menendez Brothers part of Family Affairs and Jeffrey Dahmer part of the School Lunch Program.

    As to Miller’s latest grift…what CAN one say at this point about a grifter at the end of his rope? Maybe he’ll give out the IP address of all the Trump kids.

  2. Back in the days of huge cathode reay tubes, a thing called a ‘getter’ was used to burn up any remaining oxygen after the vacuum pump had finished.

    Now we have a new getter – burn off any remaining oxygen and let the fantasies roll


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