“I’m looking at myself reflections of my mind
It’s just the kind of day to leave myself behind
So gently swaying through the fairyland of love
If you’ll just come with me you’ll see the beauty of
Tuesday afternoon
Tuesday afternoon” — Tuesday Afternoon, Moody Blues

Yes friends, it is Tuesday afternoon, which means that Tuesday morning has come and gone and guess what? You’ll be shocked now: the Supreme Court has no record of a filing being made this morning by any state attorney general, nor Mike Lindell, with respect to the 2020 election. Imagine that?

So how did this wondrous state of affairs come to pass? Well, Sir, it’s none other than that traitor Ronna McDaniel. She did Mike Lindell in.  A great many people wonder why McDaniel still has her job, although for very different reasons. Now McDaniel can add Mike Lindell to her list of detractors. He’s positively livid.

Here’s Lindell’s latest conspiracy theory: last Thursday McDaniel finally publicly acknowledged that Joe Biden had won the election. That’s not bad, one year and two weeks after the fact.

But Lindell is using the timing of McDaniel’s statement to prove up malice and a conspiracy. Zachary Petrizzo, Daily Beast:

“We believe that they have reached out to multiple [attorneys general] and put pressure on them, not to sign the Supreme Court complaint,” Lindell said Monday on his evening livestream, this time from aboard his private plane as he scrambled to lock down the signatures required to file his complaint with the high court.

With a poor WiFi connection marring his live-streamed rant, Lindell blasted McDaniel, alleging she orchestrated a vast Republican conspiracy against him when she finally acknowledged late last week that President Joe Biden won the 2020 election.

“How dare the RNC try and stop this case from getting to the Supreme Court. Shame on you, RNC! You are worse than Fox [News] now!” he stated, referencing his claims that the cable giant has silenced him. “You can’t tell me why Ronna McDaniel, the head of the RNC, made a statement saying Biden won three days before this Supreme Court complaint was supposed to go to the Supreme Court.”

“What about the timing of that, America!” he continued. “Why would she say that at that moment in time? She didn’t have to say that. What, is she trying to get more donor money? Is she trying to get donor money from Democrats? She is as RINO as they come!” McDaniel did not immediately respond to The Daily Beast’s request for comment.

Yes, what about the timing of that, America? Poor Ronna McDaniel. She is the soul mate to Reince Priebus. He, too, was so woefully out of his league as Trump’s first chief of staff. With a normal Republican president he’d have probably done an acceptable job but not with the circus inside a riot that the Trump administration was. Likewise, McDaniel would do okay in a normal Republican climate, raising money and holding conferences, what have you, but she is in no way a match for the shifting sands of this political madhouse landscape. She’s way in over her head.

The broken clock is right twice a day and in this case Lindell may have done the RNC a favor by calling out McDaniel, although it’s got nothing to do with his favorite fantasy of the stolen election.

So where do we go from here? The endless question to those of us who follow the doings of Mike Lindell.

“We do have a copy of the complaint,” which Lindell said he would simply release to the public on Thanksgiving Day if it ends up not being filed due to a lack of signatures. “Worst-case scenario, let’s say, a lot of them want to delay signing it,” he added, under the impression his fervent supporters would then mount local pressure campaigns against their own state attorneys general after seeing the contents of his filing.

Additionally, the pillow tycoon claimed late Monday that he was making a last-minute sprint across five states in the dead of night to convince attorneys general to sign his papers. “I am on my way to another city,” he asserted, adding that if they don’t sign by Tuesday he can always try to get them to sign by Wednesday.

Yes, there’s always Wednesday. And next week has a Wednesday too, and the one after that. After all, tomorrow is another day. Mike Lindell is the Scarlett O’Hara of our day.

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  1. While admittedly with difficulty a good deal of the time I can read and understand the U.S. Code and other laws, as well as court filings including SCOTUS decisions. I suspect it’s more of a grind even for most lawyers than they care to admit. It is however doable, this picking through (sometimes making notes) a complicated legal brief for us laypeople. However, I suspect that the bat-shit crazy mishmash Lindell tried (and failed) to get before SCOTUS is something that might as well be written by actual outer-space aliens – every one of them insane and translating it for the next insane one in a closer galaxy to eventually plant in the empty space in Lindell’s head. Right next to the spot where he believes that people can think up some lawsuit and, without going through the process just skip all that and get SCOTUS to accept Cert if one gets enough signatures (even from high profile lawyers) on it!

  2. Lindell might have checked on the procedures to get suits before SCOTUS before he started making claims about when it would happen. Would have saved him a lot of time (and money that he’ll need to pay Dominion).


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