This may be the start of a yearly tradition. Just as the SyFy Channel hosts a Twilight Zone marathon on 4th of July, Thanksgiving and/or New Years, a Lindell-sponsored Big Lie Marathon could become a part of our holiday culture, too. Just think about it, your crazy Uncle Bill comes over for Thanksgiving dinner, has too much to drink and then demands to watch the Big Lie Marathon, and goes out to the car for his MAGA cap. I’m not the only one who foresees flying fists on the holiday, Steve Bannon thinks so too.

But Lindell is not to be deterred. No, sir. He sees this in Busby Berkeley extravaganza terms, a weekend marathon, “where we put it all up there” probably meaning rerunning his debunked documentaries.

And it’s got an all star cast, some 30 state attorneys general we are told — he can’t name one but he claims he has 30 — secretaries of state, all kinds of people are ready to jump on board for Lindell’s lawsuit, which will “drop” (drop or be dropped? Or both?) on Tuesday before Thanksgiving and then the marathon begins Wednesday. “Turkey Day” could acquire a secondary meaning after this.

I see this going the way of the cyber symposium. Remember how that one ended, with experts in the field saying that nothing was shown, nothing was proven for three days until finally Lindell screamed, “Just forget about the evidence” at a CNN reporter. Remember that debacle?

So a storm is coming, but it will pass quickly and Lindell will keep going. Why? Because it sells pillows. Thanksgiving weekend and the Frankspeech marathon will be an opportunity to sell his wares and make a buck. And this will probably continue until Dominion shuts him down. And then my prediction is that Lindell will find a spin on that and still keep doing business from his home basement and/or padded cell. Great image, eh what? The pillow mogul, Monsieur Mon Polochon, living inside a pillow, where he can do selfies of himself for his MAGA buds and dream impossible dreams. How poetic.

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    • Yeah, even the most die-hard of the MAGAts are more likely to be watching the day’s football games (or dropping off into their “turkey/carbohydrate comas”).

  1. Sometimes I think Lindell’s C.T. is more for selling pillows. I would think after a while he’d get a clue that his crap isn’t flying all that well, if he actually believed it that is. I mean, sure, he’s probably just a moron but then I say that about former guy but he still manages to fool his band of rubes out of a hideous amount of money.

  2. I learned that the average IQ is only 100 points. Only 2% of people are smart enough to do much of anything important like be a doctor or engineer…but that average of 100 means half of all people have an IQ below 100. Wow! That explains everything from war, beer bongs, Trump, Lindell and the MAGA maniacs.

    Maybe Lindell’s Marathon could provide live interviews with the Q-anon folks camped out in Dallas waiting for JFK to return from the dead. It’s for real – they’re at that place where Kennedy was shot back in 1963. I hope the Lindell Marathon includes the Q-anon folks.


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