We are told that every dark cloud has a silver lining and if one thing wonderful has come out of the Trump era, it is the conversion of Michael Cohen from Trump toady and fixer to comedic megaphone for the left.

Cohen paid his dues. He went under the bus. He served three long years in a federal penitentiary. He took legal pad and pen in hand and wrote a book, “Disloyal: The True Story of the Former Personal Attorney to Donald Trump.” He was as determined to tell his story as the Marquis de Sade was when he wrote in his own blood on the bed sheets and had them smuggled out of prison under a chambermaid’s skirts.

Cohen has also written another book, Revenge. Revenge is sweet and Cohen is not only taking it on Trump, he’s letting us have a glimpse into all of the right-wing, rich a$$holes in his family, but a few that went to Washington with him. It’s a shame this is only a short clip, I could listen to this all night.

We’re all gawky as teenagers, at least most of us, but the Trump kids truly deserve some kind of a prize.

And Daddy is very worried these days about his former bag man. Very very worried.

I would love to know what other “crimes” Cohen asked for a pardon on. That would be entertaining.

All eyes are on Cohen and the Manhattan D.A. case. CBS News:

A spokesperson for Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg declined to comment Friday.  Bragg declined to discuss both Daniels and Cohen during a January interview with CBS News.

“I’m not going to confirm or deny any of the threads that we may be looking at. It’s just important for any charges we may bring for me not to talk about them at this time,” Bragg said.

Two Trump Organization companies and former chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg were indicted in July 2021 in a tax fraud case stemming from the D.A.’s investigation into Trump’s finances.

Trump was not personally charged and has denied wrongdoing.

The Trump Organization companies were sentenced to pay a combined $1.6 million penalty after a December conviction on 17 criminal counts related to tax fraud. Weisselberg entered a guilty plea and was sentenced to five months in jail.

Cohen did not say Friday if he has been formally subpoenaed by the grand jury.

It’s pretty clear that this is keeping Trump awake at night.

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  1. That’s funny as hell. To reiterate donny’s lack of judgement, I saw an interview where he thought he was telling an amusing story about a monogrammed sweater he got from his dad for Christmas. He has the same initials. When he opened the gift, he realized it was the sweater HE had previously given daddy. He failed to realize just how fucking pathetic he looked. A lifetime of shit like that would turn a lot of folks to snow blowers. Gotta stuff down the pain somehow.



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