No, I never heard of a supermodel who was a “private person” before, but then I’ve never believed Melania was a supermodel in the first place. I do believe she’s the perfect match for Donald Trump, however. They’re both grifters. She kicks down six figures “consulting fees” to her hairdresser, while selling her NFTs online. Anything for a buck, right?

As the Trump news becomes more and more intense, one thing becomes more and more obvious: Melania is nowhere to be seen. So is she still in Europe with Barron? Hiding out at Trump Tower? Surveilling the golf course at Bedminster and wondering which hole is destined to become her resting place for eternity? Better ask the Shadow and see if he knows, because nobody else has a clue. All they know is that she’s not where you would expect a loyal wife, or the wife of a candidate, to be, which is at her husband’s side. At least once in a while. MSN:

It seems that Melania Trump is just not that into winning a second term as first lady.

Let’s face it. Trump’s indictments have pretty much turned into campaign events. And people are starting to notice that she isn’t showing up with former President Donald Trump either at the arraignments or the post-arraignment campaign rallies.

I first noticed that she wasn’t with Trump at the rally in April at Mar-a-Lago following the first arraignment at the Manhattan courthouse. Well, considering that indictment stemmed from her husband allegedly paying hush money to an adult movie star, I thought: good for her.

Hillary Clinton claimed she wasn’t Tammy Wynette standing by her man when she obviously was. We’ve seen countless other wronged political wives stand beside their husbands that admitted wrongdoing to the public.

However Hillary chose to characterize it, she did the right thing. But then Hillary Clinton is a woman of substance and not somebody who lies about having college degrees she doesn’t in fact hold or speaking (fluently, no less) languages she doesn’t in fact speak. And I cannot conceive of Hillary having an interview like the first one of note that Melania had, where she wore a 25 carat diamond, 5″ Louboutin stilletos, and a Chanel coat. But that’s the essential difference between the two women, form v. substance, pretense v. achievement, vacuity v. brains.

In any event, it will be intriguing to see how long the Greta Garbo act lasts. Melania can’t hide forever. Or can she?

My take on this is that Melania’s hiding because there is no way she can spin what Donald is doing in any kind of plausible way. And she knows enough to know that if she just spews right-wing talking points about the Deep State, bla bla, she’s going to sound like an ass. Look for her to remain incognito for a very long time and then to avoid the microphone like the plague. Looking good and keeping her mouth shut is the only way she’s going to make it. That’s always been true and it’s more true now than ever.

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  1. Who cares? She is probably hiding out with her chain-migration parents. As well as not being a super-model, she is no einstein. So, if we are going to start deporting people, let’s start with those who lied to get here in the first place.

    Just like her husband, Melania looks out for herself first. She is not going to be making any comments or appearances, if they don’t help her.

    • I suspect she renegotiated the prenuptial to include a clause not requiring her to participate in his campaign and possibly not supporting him in any trials.She Jane a genius, but she could see the ketchup on the walls after he lost the election. She is just waiting out his trials and his election loss in 2024, and then she can file for divorce or just sit in her penthouse in Trump Tower NY until he croaks in jail.

  2. I’d say Malaria is at her new dacha promised to her by that sawed off weasel faced runt in Russia for being a good and loyal spy for the motherland.

  3. Everyone knows there’s no loyalty among thieves, especially when caught and tried for their crimes. Hey Alanis Morriset…you want irony? Melanoma is more well hidden than the secrets of the US government. Like the radical rabbi said 2000+ years ago…a house divided…
    I wonder who she’ll shack up with when hubby is in lockup? Doubt there will be any conjugal visits.

    • I bet they’ve not had sex in many years , all she wanted was an heir to trumps money. Has anyone ever seen them hug or kiss ? When he was in the White House she didn’t even sleep on the same floor as trump !

  4. “Silence is golden”

    And, to borrow and modify another old truism: “Is it better to remain silent and be thought a trophy wife (high-end prostitute) than to open your mouth defending your P.O.S. husband and remove all doubt.”

    I quickly jettisoned thoughts she’s spending her time hiding out wherever Mark Meadows spends most of HIS time hiding out. He’s got nowhere near the kind of money she’d want to cash in on her prenup with Trump and hook up with him!



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