Melania Jumps On Fake News Bandwagon, Attacks ‘Opposition Media’ Who ‘Discredit Donald’


For anyone who might still be harboring illusions of Melania’s independent thinking from her hubby’s, or even that she might be a stealth member of the Resistance, disabuse yourself of such notions now. Melania perfectly echoes Trump’s favorite enemy of the people mantra in a GOP fundraising email flagged by New York Post reporter Nikki Schwab.

So much for the #BeBest BS. This is the real Melania. Not that we haven’t seen signs of this before. Remember, she’s a birther, and she’s the one who said that when somebody attacks Trump, “he hits back ten times as hard,” so evidently she supports his over the top attacks on his imagined enemies, i.e. Peter Strzok and Bruce Ohr, just to name a few.

Now, she may in fact troll Trump from time to time, just to get a little passive aggressive thrill. Who knows? But she’s not a hostage in a bad marriage from which there is no escape. She just co-signed on Trump’s anti First Amendment and anti free press views, one assumes of her own free will and with the knowledge of her press secretary.

Her “I really don’t care, do U?” message was toxic and this is a fitting follow up to that. This is who she is.

Finally, the timing of this epistle is noteworthy. Trump is getting his ass kicked more and more by the press as normal events, like the Manafort trial and the Cohen plea, take their course. But he can’t handle it and has been losing it more than usual lately. He knows the Republicans are in trouble for the midterms and having Melania jump on board to revile the press is an act of desperation.

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