C-Span was never X-rated before, but that may change.

Mehmet Oz was speaking again in public today, being a candidate for the U.S. Senate and he went off on a bit of a tangent at the National Governor’s Association winter meeting.

You can’t make this up. A snake oil salesman from the TV set is talking to a group of predominantly white, Republican males about sex and penises. Maybe we should do a time, place and manner analysis of this incident, constitutionally speaking, just for laughs. Sean Parnell, the Republican governor of Alaska, clearly does not think much of this commentary, judging from his expression. I would happily give a penny, or more, for this man’s thoughts.

Here is what so impressed Sean Parnell.

So, gentlemen, how are your dipsticks today? And how about your oil cans, how they hanging? It’s all good?

And, dependably, it gets worse! Take a look at this next clip. I think it’s former governor Terry Bradstad of Iowa in the reaction shot, but the exact identity of the listener isn’t the point, the expression on his face is.

Do you love that comment about not having health insurance being in “the abyss?” I’m not surprised that he feels that way. Not in the least. If you’re in an ER and you have health insurance you are a human being, if you don’t have health insurance they stabilize your vitals and send you home, no matter how sick you are. I know whereof I speak. It has happened to me.

I have to interject a note on health insurance and how abysmal it was pre-Obamacare. Long story short, I was between jobs and I didn’t have health insurance, couldn’t afford COBRA. I was unknowingly addicted to Xanax at that time. (It was a drug which should never have been prescribed in the first place. I later voluntarily detoxed myself and that is a saga for another time.) I lost a couple of pills and as a result I went into withdrawal.

I had a grand mal seizure, called 911 and was rushed to Brotman Memorial Hospital in Los Angeles. Because I did not have health insurance, I was treated like a dog. They stabilized my vitals and sent me home. That was Wednesday night.

Friday night, same scenario. Another grand mal seizure, another trip via ambulance to Brotman. They still would not check me into the hospital, even though I was egregiously ill.

I had a near death experience on the gurney. I was floating through the tunnel of light, just like you have heard. I began to talk to God, because I figured that’s where I was going. I said, “God, I sense that I’m between worlds. What would you have me do?”

I guess his answer was “Go back,” because the next thing I know, my shoulders slam into the gurney and my eyes fly open. They had the paddles and the electricity machine, all that going. Despite the fact that I was this messed up, however, they STILL would not admit me to a hospital. They stabilized my vitals and in the morning, in that condition, I put myself in a cab and got home. I could not get my quack doctor on the phone throughout this crisis and the bottom line is that I sent a friend to the pharmacy to pick up more Xanax so I could get out of withdrawal.

You can die if you don’t have health insurance. They.Don’t.Care. And I want to mention that at this point that I was a fully productive member of society, had an apartment four miles from the beach, fine references, all that, but because I wasn’t on on insurance plan, I was not treated like a human being. As a matter of fact, I overheard one of the nurses say to another one, “She was just in here a few days ago. I guess she’s a street person.”

Let me tell you the irony of that. There are some street people who are disabled and who have Medicare cards in their wallet. They could have gotten care that night, when I could not.

This is the world that Mehmet Oz comes from, The Haves, and that’s why he talks that way about the Have Nots. Hopefully he won’t get anywhere near the Senate. And I think it’s safe to say that the Republicans he spoke to today feel the same way. The looks they gave him are cringeworthy.


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    • You’re talking about when I was in the ER at Brotman? I was brought in after having a grand mal seizure, twice. My heart was slamming. You can’t make that up.

      • A former Dr wanted me to take Xanax. I talked to my other doctors and they advised me not to take it. I didn’t. I take enough meds for diabetes and end stage kidney failure. My health is labeled as fragile, so I ALWAYS get second opinions, and check side effects of meds. I have bad reactions to steroids, so I will not take any of them, especially prednisone!

          • I was on prednisone for about 3 months in the hospital. When I got out I had to use a walker for about a month! Later on my optometrist gave me some eye drops that contained steroids. after taking them for 3 days I had blurred vision for several weeks. NEV ER AGAIN!! as a diabetic, I am very careful about taking anything that will affect my vision!.

        • This was around twenty years ago and Xanax was new on the market. A few years later people began to show up at detox centers suffering from Xanax addiction or “benzos” in general. Prior to that time, nobody knew. It never occurred to me to question this doctor’s judgement because I grew up being taught that doctors were gods and they knew everything. Some of them don’t even know how to practice medicine.

  1. Xanax is truly horrible. When my doc prescribed it, in less than a week I was having horrible anxiety as it was approaching time tor the next dose. I realized that this was much worse than the original anxiety for which it had been prescribed. With this realization, I spent the next week in absolute hell weaning myself off of it. In my opinion this medication should be banned.

    • Another legal drug sending millions into addiction, or, like you, possibly death without medical supervision. The stockholders get rich while the cannabis users go to jail. Legalized hypocrisy where the innocent get criminalized & the truly guilty are shopping for second & third homes on the Vineyard or long Island. FACT.

    • It absolutely should be banned. I wasn’t prescribed Xanax for anxiety. Are you ready for this? i was prescribed Xanax for a rapid heartbeat symptom at the onset of menopause. And yes, anxiety accompanies rapid heartbeat, you better believe it. But the answer was a non addictive beta blocker and that’s what a reputable doctor would have given me. But my quack doctor didn’t get tickets to Rome from pharmaceutical companies for beta blockers, whereas he did get them (and to Buenas Aires too) for getting people hooked on Xanax.

      • Bingo. The sacklers sent their drug reps out to market oxycontin & claimed it wasn’t addictive. Not one went to jail even though they killed hundreds of thousands. We reserve that for the people Nixon criminalized with his fake war on drugs, i.e., cannabis users. The voters bought the demonization of cannabis & the lies and have since 1970. All lies designed to get the black activists & antiwar demonstrators off the street.FACT. Haldeman admitted it on tape. Yet still it continues to this day.

  2. Out of curiosity, since it didn’t seem to be mentioned but *WHY THE FUCK* was a *Senate* candidate speaking before a GOVERNORS’ conference? And did the group invite Fetterman?

    All of the backdrops I can see read “National Governors Association” not the “National Republican Governors Association” so there should have been ZERO reasons for inviting Oz to the meeting. Inviting a DULY-ELECTED Senator to the meeting does have some legitimacy as that individual actually might have some relevant material for a group of governors to hear or be discussing or be complaining about. But someone who’s not even in the job yet? If the governors were really there to discuss medical matters and health care issues, I’m sure there’s no shortage of potential guests who are *NOT* running for a partisan political office.

    *IF* Fetterman had been invited and declined the offer, that’s at least somewhat excusable for Oz’s participation. But if not, then Oz had as much business being there as a rat has running a restaurant’s kitchen (Disney movies notwithstanding).

    • Good point. I have no answer, only an assumption that this was a group of good ole boy Republicans. I don’t know if there were Democrats present. The two guys who reacted to Oz were both GOPers.

  3. Yeah, he didn’t say health care, he said HEALTH. That’s really saying the quiet part out loud. They don’t want poor people to be healthy, not even if they win the genetic lottery and have their health despite their living situations. Are the right wingers gonna figure out a way to come take away that health if a poor is so crass as to have it?


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