If you ever want to turn your relevance funeral cortege motorcade a laughingstock of pariahdom, try giving the mourners lining the street absolutely no reason to admire or mourn you anymore.

And that is what RNC Chair and Mar-A-Lago Welcome mat Ronna Romney McDaniel and her executive Council band of merry freebooters have just done. And for once they’re being called out on it.

Let’s just start simple. As much as McDaniel would have loved a simple, uncontested coronation of His Lowness as the 2024 GOP nominee, it isn’t working out that way. The GOP field is starting to look like bugs gravitating to a sugar cube. Some who actually want to be President, and some who just want to stop Traitor Tot from getting another shot at it.

So the RNC, having learned about primary debate insanity in 2016, set up a couple of simple rules. And in reality they’re not that different from the ones the Democrats used in 2020. To make the debate stage, a candidate has to be polling at at least 1% in recognized polls, and also garner 45,000 donations from individual donors. Hell, if I took to this platform and begged hard enough, I might be able to get 45,000 people to shoot me a couple of bones.

Oh yeah, and one more thing y’all. You have to sign a loyalty pledge to support the eventual nominee, no matter who that nominee turns out to be. Nobody’s got a problem with that, right?

Well no, actually Ronna, it turns out that there is a problem with that. And not just one sore loser either, turns out pretty much everybody in the field is bitching about your craven subservience to Traitor Tot. And nobody else is buying.

But talk about being the poster child of irony. Turns out McDaniel tried this stunt once already, and with zero success. The last time was in 2016, but that time she was trying to corral a rogue outsider with a large base, Donald Trump, into supporting whichever other candidate won. Trump told her to pound sand, and threatened to go 3rd party instead. Trump finally signed the pledge on stage, with great fanfare, but everybody knew he’d wipe his *ss with it backstage later.

And now some of the field is making McDaniel eat a slice of that humble pie, with licorice ice cream. Chris Christie took to the airwaves and explained that he had been running as a Republican all of his life, and had never been asked to sign a loyalty pledge until the Era of Trump. Christie then laughed, and said of  course he’d sign the pledge to get on stage with Traitor Tot in his sights, and the RNC could sue him later when he gave the pledge no more water than Trump did.

At least former Arkansas Governor tried to use a little class and persuasion. He wrote to McDaniel and tre RNC, asking for a clarification on the loyalty pledge. Obviously the RNC never meant that legitimate 2024 presidential candidates should be locked into supporting a possible nominee that was either a federally indicted candidate, or already a federal convict. The response was pure McDaniel. Basically it read, Look. We don’t care if the candidate is Idi Amin! Just support the f*cker!

I can’t tell you how pathetic this is. Personally I thought that the GOP and RNC had hit rock solid bottom when they banded together to support a legitimately accused baby rapist Roy Moore for Senate. But now the same Republican party, and the same RNC, under different leadership, the party of law and order, the party that was pro military, the party that was all-in on national security is now supporting a disgraced, twice impeached former President currently under federal indictment for violations of The Espionage Act!

Sweet Jesus! McDaniel is literally pounding the final nail in the GOP coffin 18 months before the general election. Because as difficult as it is to believe, Traitor Tot isn’t the only one running for election or reelection in 2024. And all of those candidates are going to need one simple thing. Money!

Let’s just say you’re a deep pockets GOP donor. If you ignore all of the land mine holes that the GOP has dug for itself over the last 2 years, you’re looking at what might almost be described as a favorable GOP Senate map in 2024. even if Biden were reelected, a GOP controlled House and Senate would provide a nice bulwark from Biden and the Democrats coming for any of your illicit billions.

But it’s not as simple as that. The MAGA controlled House has accomplished nothing more than an endless series of useless show committee hearings, designed to get the members on FUX News and generate campaign donations. The only solid accomplishment of the GOP controlled congress was a bipartisan compromise bill engineered by Biden and McCarthy that avoided a fiscal disaster. Which means that maybe you should be donating to moderates, and cutting off the Freedom Caucus MAGAt’s.

And now McDaniel and the RNC want to ram a loyalty pledge down everybody’s throat that requires them to support a twice indicted, and possibly already convicted criminal for President. Forget Jack Smith for a minute. Trump is scheduled to go on trial in Manhattan in the Stormy Daniels case. He faces the real possibility of being a convicted felon in New York state running on the ballot. And His Lowness has already been found responsible civilly for sexual assault in the E Jean Carrol case. And before the RNC national convention takes place, Trump could be under Georgia state indictment for election related RICO charges, as well as brand new federal J6 related charges.

I ask you again. If you’re a deep pockets GOP donor, forget Trump, are you going to throw tens of millions of dollars at the RNC to help in the national elections knowing that Trump is the crime boss at the top of the RNC? And since Trump has a so0lid lock on GOP small money donors, if the deep pocket boys sit on their wallets, where does the RNC get the cash to fund the national campaign?

Did you guys ever see Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom? There’s a scene where Jones and Short Round are trapped in a room, with a ceiling full of spikes descending down on them, and it’s up to Willie to reach through a bug infested hole to pull the lever to open the doors and retract the roof. And from where I’m sitting, the way McDaniel and the RNC have created this Chinese box for themselves, there may not be a Willie out there, ready to stick an arm in that bug infested hole. Whatever you do, don’t touch that dial.

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  1. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but McDaniel has the RNC covering much of Trump’s ever increasing legal bills, is allowing him to soak up money from small donors while refusing to use any of the money he’s raising, even supposedly “to help other Republican candidates”, and pretty much running the RNC demanding the right to sign off on anything large or small. He’s threatened her and the RNC & by extension the entire GOP with destruction if he doesn’t get everything he wants which is total control. Candidates all around the country count on their National Committee to help THEM with money for adds, finding and paying campaign staff for election season and all kinds of pesky details. Trump’s demand that everything is his combined with his refusal to allow his national committee (the RNC) to do the normal AND not stepping in to fill the gap has cost the rest of the GOP in a string of elections now. Yet all the way down the ballot most GOPers are afraid to stand up and say ENOUGH! Because the political pros, both candidates and staff know Trump has his cult of MAGA in thrall. Worse (for them) even if Trump were to, this very day go on all the networks and talk radio (the almost exclusive province of conservatives) as well as live stream of all the social media platforms and say “ALL of you are suckers and losers. You suck. You always have and the fact you’ve been SO gullible and fallen for my lies and bullsh*t proves it. Just how stupid ARE you that you’d think for one second I care about any one of you? To me your are all what people like you always have been, idiots too stupid to know they are being conned” it would no longer do any good. MAGA goobers would just say it’s a body double that does a good Trump impersonation, or that the “deep state” has perfected mind control, or gotten their secret alien from outer space contacts to control Trump’s mind for them!

    The question is whether the GOP will implode or rip itself to shreds or whether they can turn this into a fascist dictatorship first. I wish I could say with some certainty it will be the former but I can’t. Which is why I’m thankful I never had kids, although I do sometimes mourn the country other people’s kids will have to live in.

    • Thank you. I do worry for my two kids (20 and 18). Unfortunately, my 20 year old is a follower and all his friends are Trumpers and love DeSantis. We do have some conversations about politics; however, I do not want to push as I don’t want him to dig his heels in and then not be able to either admit he was wrong or change course. My 18 year old is disgusted with politics right now as he has witnessed all of the negative discourse down here in FL. However, he is a registered Democrat.

      • One thing you should always be telling the elder son is that at least he is voting which is more than can be said for many others his age. We might not agree on his politics but we can’t disagree with his sense of responsibility in this matter.

        You can always add how democrats want to expand the right, his right too, to vote whereas the republicans are always seeking to take that right away.


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