It’s a shame that Mary Trump’s book didn’t exist in 2015, although maybe it wouldn’t have mattered. People who read and who think started getting the true picture on Donald Trump early on. Those with low information, no information, at the same time began to respond to Trump’s visceral triggers and idiotic boasts, and they joined his cult. If America was divided before, it turned into a war zone with the advent of Trump.

Mary Trump recently appeared on “The New Abnormal” podcast and here are a few excerpts from what she said about how Trump was raised. Raw Story:

“It starts in the house,” she began. “When Donald was finally chosen to be the heir apparent when he was probably still in high school, he was protected at every turn by my grandfather from his incompetence, from his total inability to handle money and he never had to fend for himself and never had to admit when he was wrong.”

“And then he was in my grandfather’s company, he was in the Trump Organization that was set up, I think, it was like sort of a sinecure honestly,” she continued. “And it wasn’t just my grandfather, it was all these other entities coming forward — the media, the banks to keep propping him up and protecting him. He’d fail up consistently until the Republican Party started doing the same thing.”

“I imagine the White House to be the kind of place where, a person in his position, has every need attended to, every want attended to 24-hours a day and is never told ‘no’,” she stated. “Good presidents — I mean I don’t consider him the president — but Barack Obama or George W. Bush would seek it out sometimes: give me an honest critique of this. Donald would never do this, and if someone did question him, that person would be fired and humiliated.”

“So he doesn’t have to do anything,” she told the hosts. “I can’t think of any way to be more institutionalized except to be in a psych ward.”

You recall when Howard Hughes was in crack up mode in his penthouse at the end. He had the windows blacked out and he was a germophobe. He wouldn’t touch anything without “insulation.” If somebody handed him a newspaper, he would pick it up with a kleenex. Hughes’ money was his insulation, first and foremost, and it allowed him to get as neurotic as he got. He suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder and it worsened as time went by. But his foibles were ignored, because he paid people to ignore them. The same thing is true with Donald Trump. His money and his coddled upbringing rendered him totally ineffectual. That’s why he can’t even close an umbrella. Money insulated him from reality. Now we need to insulate ourselves from him.



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  1. Honestly, Ursula, Kanye West is closer to being the new Howard Hughes than Trump could ever hope to be. But yeah, the evidence of being shielded from consequences is fairly overwhelming at this point.

    • Maybe you’re right. Kanye West has to be insulated in some bubble to come up with the stuff he does. Steve Jobs a Nazi? Give a woman a million bucks to have a baby — and free pot? Jesus. He might be funny, but not after Trump. He’s just an annoyance.

  2. Thanks for this, I remember way back to the first time I saw, but could not believe, how horrible Trump would be as our so-called president … all the trash talk, sounded like a cock-of-the-walk brag fest, and genuine to me, too smooth delivery and complete sentences, he WAS the ass-hole pedo he claimed to be, riding on a large studio bus, a confidential buddy-buddy tell-all interview with B.Bush … so proud to explain how he was allowed to do things like a Junior high schoolboy could only dream of, even as a supposed adult businessman, (he was never a real business man, his history was clear before the bus).

    Bad as all that was, and I was still wondering why this snake was not already in jail … he got out his TIC-TACS in preparation for meeting the news girl … he WAS and DID make his moves on her …

    But silly me for being aware of little signs of a person’s mental/physical problems, not in a bad way, but rather to find a sum of their personality/abilities …

    When they got up to leave and go out to meet the young lady … Trump stepped down to the door and could not get out … it was not an automatic door, and if his cognition would have been normal, these doors are plainly labeled, usually in LARGE letters with arrows pointing to the handle saying EXIT/OPEN, because in an emergency, people HAVE to know how to get out … Phhhhhht !!

    Absolutely a born loser from day one, as he grabbed the news gal, I flinched, thinking about how many young girls this scum had actually disturbed with his rough permissive attitude, or worse, so I did some deep digging on Google, it’s amazing how much stuff is out there, condemning trump for his past and present lust for younger girls, the 28 young girls delivered to Trump personally at Mar-o-golf for both Trump and Epstein … a private party under false story of testing as calendar models, Trump’s beauty programs made a great front for trafficking young girls to those two men, and apparently the gal in jail now was in on some of that as well … and it’s almost impossible to find photos of Ivanka age 12 and up without Trump’s hand/hands on her … so sick an individual, I refuse to call him our president … NOW, finally, with Mary’s book, she knee-caps any explanations that may try to forgive or excuse Trump’s actions, his ingrained Malignant Narcissism, permits and demands him to get certain things to fit his needs, the cruelty, sadism, sexual fantasy and abuse of teenage girls, has LONG been known by his family, most assuredly by the Epstein people … the absolute silence by the GOP, with NO challenge to his behaviors, have shown just how guilty some of them must be themselves, and if there ever was, (never will be), a deep investigation as to who played with Trump and Epstein and those girls, the biggest list of incredible monetary giants, and people of power … who have been free at least till now … have a back ground that will be horrific if known …

    • I don’t think he couldn’t open the doors because of cognitive issues, I think it’s simply because everything was done for him. Some people are like that. I met people in college who couldn’t do the simplest thing for themselves. Mom and Dad did it all. Trump never learned to open and close an umbrella because that’s for “other people.”

    • I hope I live to see the day when tRump does the perp walk just like Epstein. He’s probably too chicken to off himself, so hopefully they throw the book at him.

      • He will be drowned in legal debt, that much is certain. What’s ironic, is that the man has lived for publicity and he will not like the publicity coming his way after he leaves office. Schadenfruede is going to be a cocktail on menus, Schadenfruede with a side order of fried Trump. It’s going to take a long time to clean up his mess, and I don’t know if Trump TV will be viable. I guess we’ll see, won’t we?


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