Recently I wrote an article in which I posited that Democratic Judiciary Chair Richard Durbin slapped the GOP by announcing that his committee would hold a series of hearings into the John Durham Special Counsel due to recent media accounts of improprieties, I rejoiced. Because it would be a perfect contrast to have a professionally run committee go head-to-head with the Jordan inspired shitshow.

I haven’t changed my mind, I still find it a fascinating contrast that the Democrats can’t lose, especially with voters. But after seeing snippets of the inaugural meeting of the subcommittee, with Gym Bag Jordan all puffed up like a pouter pigeon, I no longer worry about it. Because after seeing varied clips of the hearing today, I came to an instant conclusion. Jordan’s bullshit subcommittee comes already pre-fucked!

Today’s hearing was like a train wreck that rolled over, fell off of the overpass, and splattered on a six lane highway. It started with the guest roster. It was, in a word, pathetic. They welcomed Q-Anon quacks Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson. They heard from Democrat turncoat, and now fledgling FUX News shill Tulsi Gabbard, a former US government employee who never actually worked for the government, and an alleged Twitter expert who knew jack shit about Twitter. And they all got demolished.

Here’s why. This bullshit subcommittee is the ultimate in made-for-FUX-News-tv performance art. Let’s just look at a sample of the committee rosters, and I think you’ll see what I mean.

On the GOP side, you have the execrable Gym Bag Jordan as Chair, flanked by such terminal miscreants as Darrell Issa, Ken Buck, Matt Gaetz, Andy Biggs, and Lauren Lee. The typical batch of MAGA kitty litter.

But opposing them on the Democrat side? How about Ranking member Jerome Nadler, Zoe Lofgren, Sheila Jackson Lee, Adam Schiff, David Cicilline, Eric Swalwell, Ted Lieu, and Joe Neguse. The only way I can think of to describe this is it’s like The GOP bringing a knife to a gunfight.

The GOP members lobbed up friendly, FUX News friendly softball questions, which the witnesses were happy to answer. The Democratic sharks, most former prosecutors tore their qualifications, as well as their alleged testimony to shreds. And while the FUX News bubblesphere may have had nocturnal emissions, everybody with 12 functioning brain cells couldn’t help but wonder what these poltroons were doing up there in the first place.

You never get a 2nd chance to make a 1st impression. And by that standard, the inaugural hearing of Gym Bag Jordan’s kangaroo kourt was an unmitigated disaster.Personally I can’t wait to see more of these hearings. After all, that’s why I bought that Orville Redenbacher stock. I gotta feather my retirement nest.

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  1. Good ole Gym Jordan – you can always count on him to repeat his MAGA talking points and ignore truth (even when it slaps him in the face) and the law. I find it hilarious that anyone takes this jacketless troglodyte serious.

  2. “Jordan’s bullshit subcommittee comes already pre-fucked!”

    That’s one of the best lines I’ve read in years! I never knew there was a word “pre-f****ef. So glad you enlightened me and made me laugh out loud. Thanks, Murph!

    • Since you’ve got the sense of humor for it there’s another word I learned decades ago (more than I want to admit) when I went into the Marines. DIs and later Troop Hanlders frequently used the word “unfuck.” As in “Unfuck my house” (clean/straighten up the squadbay), or more ominously “You’d best unfuck yourself” and if they added the word yesterday you would really in deep shit. Fucked/fucked up – UNfuck. Sadly, people being so sensitive about curse words I often have to watch my language. I’ve really tried over the decades to make sure I wouldn’t offend someone by talking completely without a filter for cursing. And even then a few times I’ve gotten a cold shoulder over going to far. Hell, it’s why I stopped telling anyone the words to the dirty version of The Twelve Days of Christmas. I’ve warned people about how disgusting it can be even to people who curse freely and love the dirtiest of dirty jokes and still been judged by them! Oh well.


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