Stonehenge has been called many things, an ancient observatory that could predict the changing of the seasons, a place of rites for the Druids, an assembly of stones with magical properties. And now, it is apparently a shrine to MAGA. Behold, Donald Trump’s face is supposedly carved in one of the 13-foot-high, 25-ton vertical stones. Well, let’s look at it this way, shall we? Trump wanted his mug carved on Mt. Rushmore, which has no more carvable space, we are told, so maybe he’ll settle for this and shut up about South Dakota. Ya spose? Daily Mail:

By looking closely at the stone, you can make out Trump’s furrowed brow and open mouth as he appears to be delivering a speech.

The UNESCO World Heritage site in Wiltshire is one of the most famous landmarks in the United Kingdom, attracting almost 850,000 visitors each year, according to English heritage.

Stonehenge’s first monument was built around 5,000 years ago, while the stone circle was erected around 2,500 BC.

The huge man-made circle of stones is one of the world’s most famous prehistoric monuments.

But there is still much mystery surrounding why it was built in the first place – with scientists in June pouring cold water on the popular theory that it was used as a solar calendar to track the days of the year.

His ‘appearance’ in the stones is likely a dream come true for Trump, who has previously fancied himself as becoming a figure on Mount Rushmore.

Back in 2020, he tweeted that it ‘sounds like a good idea’ to see himself added to the monument alongside Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt, based on the ‘many things’ he believes himself to have accomplished.

However Mount Rushmore officials say there is no more ‘carvable space’ on the rock, crushing his hopes of becoming its fifth figure.

Isn’t that a shame, because you know the mountain would just love to have his likeness carved into it. It would be the greatest likeness, the most yuge likeness, a real beauty of a likeness, big phony tits and everything. And if you’ve got 25 cents, Trump will show you the egress, whatever amazing creature or thing that may be. (Hey, it worked for P.T. Barnum.) Except it was 25 cents in that day and age, Trump will need a thousand dollars at least. Hey, he’s got a stable full of lawyers to feed, okay? And more coming, any day now.

As to Trump’s likeness in the rock, I have an idea: we get one of the Trump baby balloons to float high above the Salisbury plain, to keep it company.

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  1. Whoever thought that looked like tRump needs to lay off the weed for a few days. You can make the case for a generic face-like resemblance, but no way that it’s orangeman.


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