Take five minutes and watch this, because this is sobering. You need to see first hand how the other half lives. The woman in this clip really does live in a different world than the yous and mes. She has drunk from many cups, MAGA, sovereign citizenship, the banks failing, the impending breakdown of civilization, the entire toxic cocktail of disinformation and conspiracy theory has been hers. She doesn’t mention the rapture, but I’m sure it’s in there somewhere. She just didn’t have the time to share her entire worldview. She says she’s “married to a farmer” and I can see her out in the boondocks somewhere, riding a battered pickup across the prairie, Mad MAGSine to her husband’s Mad MAGS, the two of them shooting AR-14s as they go looking for the last gallon of gas.

This is Jim Jones, next level delusion, right here. And the saddest part of it is, that this woman sees and hears the rest of the world reacting to her madness, and she thinks they’re validating it. Their palms are sweating and they’re looking for the nearest exit, praying that she doesn’t pull out a gun, is my guess.

Donald Trump himself is this deluded and crazy. Maybe he will fill the swimming pool at Mar-a-Lago with orange kool-aide and sell straws for $1,000 each to all the MAGAs who can make the pilgrimage and then jump into his jet with Steve Bannon and head for Belize. I for one wouldn’t bat an eyelash at that headline. Not with all that we have seen.

Is your head still on your shoulders? Yes, but it’s spinning like Beetlejuice’s? Take your time, we’ll wait.

I think she’s on the level. I’ve met people like this. To get there you need:

  1. Very little education;
  2. Little or no understanding as to how things actually work (whether it’s a light bulb or a law);
  3. Access to right-wing media;
  4. A belief in the b.s. Trump spews.

At last report, 73 million of these people existed — or at least, that’s how many voted for Trump the last time out. Some of them may have been of the Bill Barr/Lindsey Graham crowd, of course they know better but they’re going to do whatever will keep them in power, but most of them were probably along these lines.

That may explain some of it, but the disinformation bubble is out there. She’s reading Bitchute and watching 2,000 Mules, all that.

We knew years ago that the 21st Century would be an age of information. Who could have foreseen, except for Rupert Murdoch, Steve Bannon and the other architects of the counter culture of this age, that disinformation would rule the day? It crept up slowly, with Fox News, the birther conspiracy, Hillary’s emails, but when Trump was legitimized by the GOP, America became an E-ride in a reality TV hellscape.

We need to stop the ride and get off. But the only entity who can hit the kill switch is the GOP — and they won’t. They’re stuck on the mad rollercoaster, right along with us.

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    • This is true. The question now is, can No Labels splinter the vote enough so Trump gets back in? Because that’s the strategy. The big money donors are supporting No Labels. i hope people aren’t stupid enough to think there’s actually a third choice. It is binary, and I don’t mean Trump/Biden. I mean democracy or fascism.

  1. Piren, I was wondering the same thing. After this erudite exegesis on ‘our’ history…I’m pi$$ed!!! Why did Donald duck wait til 2020 to ‘free’ us all from those people across the pond with bad teeth? Hell, he stole…er…was ‘selected’ president in 2016! As for her interpretation of the bank employees…I seem to remember similar reactions from the staff at the psy hospital when someone was admitted for being delusional. He burned his house down to stop the CIA from monitoring him. 73 million of these phuckers makes it hard to trust they’ll stay on the other side of the road.
    “I’m smart! Not like you, but I’m smart! and I want respect!” Seems I’ve heard this before! It didn’t end well.



      He may just be a fictional character but NO fictional character–especially one that’s beloved by MILLIONS (if not billions) of people around the world–deserves to be denigrated by a comparison to Donald Trump. Given Trump’s preference for “alternative facts,” maybe “Donald Quixote” would be more apt (although Don Quixote was motivated by delusions that were farcical and a bit of a nuisance but he never thought of himself over others; he believed himself a chivalrous knight of old which meant protecting the innocent even if it meant his own life).

    • Bobby Franklin,the late GA.legislator, declared federal income tax unconstitutional and state taxes must be paid in gold or silver. He also believed driver’s license were unconstitutional. He was elected to the GA legislature from1997 –2001, when he died.

      So yes this level if insanity isn’t that uncommon. Had he lived,Bobby would have been an ardent Trumpie,I have no doubt.

      • Georgia’s education system is clearly lacking. Look who they put in power (MTG) and who they almost put in power (Herschel Walker). It’s very sad.

  2. Tip Jar to Ursala Faw. I have come to the conclusion that PolitiZoom is the only venue that gives accurate and objective observations of politics. I am SO TIRED of MSM giving “fair and balanced” and “what aboutisms” to conservative actions. I will gladly give a donation to this site for its candor. Thanks to all the contributors for their insights!

    • Just be done with it and get her doing the thorizine shuffle. This is a stupid that cannot be fixed. She needs to be institutionalized to protect others; I could give a rat’s ass less if she is protected from herself but the really crazy ones end up hurting/killing others.

  3. We saw the lighter but not the crack pipe. Actually it makes me sad that people are turning other people into that. I sometimes think it’s really another not so nice country turning our folks into fools. Fools with guns. There’s no talking to the rabbit hole folks, they even brought their religion into it. I wish there was something, anything we could do, they need help asap.


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