I don’t think the title of the article is either misleading nor sensationalistic. After all, I’m not just making this sh*t up out of whole cloth. Instead I have board certified clinical psychologist Mary Trump on my side.

In her bestselling book Too Much and Never Enough, Mary Trump lays out the unusual family dynamic this way, young Donald never had a mother. No, Traitor Tot is not an orphan, and of course he had a biological mother, he just didn’t have a mother in the normal psychological sense.

The family dynamic was definitely bizarre. Apparently, in a kind of unwritten agreement, Fred Trump basically took over the raising and discipline of the male children, where Trump’s mother basically did the same thing for the female children, along with all things housekeeping. Fred Trump raised his sons the way Donald ran his business. But he rarely interacted emotionally with his mother, and had little reason to listen to anything she said.

From where I’m sitting, His Lowness is terrified of strong, independent women, simply because he has never had one in his life extending any kind of personal control. And I think his paranoia shows in his own personal choices.

Trump has been married three times. The first time was to Ivana, and it seemed a match made in heaven. But there was one simple problem. While Ivana didn’t mind bearing his children and arranging a clean and happy house, she was not going to be a stay-at-home Mom. The tipping point came when her business became more successful and high profile than his. He demanded that she sell out and stay home, and she refused. A little public affair for her humiliation, followed by a messy divorce.

Trump’s second wife, Marla Maples was more the normal fare for a lout like Trump. With no great business sense or drive, Maples was perfectly happy to sit at home until called upon to dress up and hit the town. But that kind of unfettered freedom palls on a sh*theel like Trump. Another public humiliation affair with Melania, followed by a more serene divorce.

Which brings us to wife three, Melania. Somehow, that one seems to have wandered off the rails for Trump. It started out just like the rest. Melania gave in to Trump’s caveman baser instincts, giving him a son. But Melania had her own reasons for that. She’s been around, and knows Trump’s persona and instincts. Her pre-nup would have made it painful for Trump to divorce her. And while Trump gleefully spread his first two affairs around in the media, he went to great lengths to cover up his affair with a porn star during the campaign. Melania seems to be the only one who has managed to get that ring even a little bit through his nose.

Except of course, for Stormy Daniels. When Trump hit her up at a celebrity golf tournament, he thought he was getting a quick roll with a young, startruck porn actress. Daniels was nothing such. When she started raising a ruckus about breaking her silence, Trump panicked into trying to pay her off for her silence. When that failed, Daniels ended up raking him over the coals in his Manhattan criminal trial.

Which brings us to Trump’s new, personal dybbuk, Vice President Kamala Harris. Trump basically ran around his mother, and all three of his wives had a combination of financial, personal, and publicity reasons to remain on at least amicable enough terms publicly with Trump to keep him from unleashing his vociferous temper and vengeance fantasies.

Kamala Harris doesn’t give a fat-rats-ass about any of that sh*t. She has no personal, financial, or professional ties or devotion to trump. Exactly the opposite, she considers him to be an existential threat, not just to her politically, but to the democracy of this country. And given a chance, she’ll do a Stormy Daniels, drop his pants, bend him over, and swat him with a magazine. Only this time on a debate stage in front of the entire country.

She’s already doing it. She has seized on his criminality, talking about the prosecutor vs the felon, which drives him crazy. She and her surrogates have latched onto calling him and his hillbilly imbecile weird, which seems to twist his tail almost as much as being referred to as a felon. And now she hit him where it hurts the most, his gonads, sneeringly referring to the comparative size of their rally crowds, held in the same building. This is the political equivalent of Marco Rubio comparing the size of Trump’s hands to the size of his manhood.

Trump has no answer. He can’t marry her, and he can’t divorce her. He can’t humiliate her with an affair, and he can’t publicly embarrass her. He can’t even seem to successfully define her negatively, since her professional and political record is already well known, in a national spotlight. Trump is falling back on the two defenses of the true coward, calling her names, then running off and hiding like a baby.

Trump will never debate Harris, he’s scared sh*tless of her. And by being a craven coward, he’s about to hand her the ultimate political gift, free national airtime. ABC has already stated that it’s holding open the debate airtime on September 10th. Harris has confirmed she’ll attend. And when she does, she gets all that airtime for free to lay out whatever she wants, with no rebuttal argument from Il Douche.

Trump is boned. Sideways. He can’t handle Harris, so he’s running away and hiding, which won’t work either. As Joe Louis once warned his boxing opponents, Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. The media was already reporting on the lightness of Trump’s campaign schedule for a serious candidate, but that was in the days when Trump thought he was running against Biden, and that one was in the bag.

But now Harris is about to embark on a whirlwind seven battleground state tour with her newly announced running mate, and El Pendejo ex Presidente has one lousy public appearance scheduled. A rally in Montana, a state that is already in the barrel for him. But at least he won’t have to worry about Harris supporters heckling him. Or will he?

Harris has Trump backed into a corner, and all she has to do is to keep him there, and keep throwing lefts and rights, looking for the knockout punch. Trump’s campaign is grousing that they had a strategy for dealing with Harris’s weaknesses in her record, but The Cheeto Prophet keeps jumping the rails. That’s only going to get worse. Desperation will have him throwing wild haymakers, and in so doing exposing his chin. Keep punching, and keep the faith.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.


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  1. Everything you say makes sense. I refer to my mother as my biological mother because she basically split from my father when I was around nine years old and then gaslighted me that this was okay. She then dropped in occasionally like Banquo’s ghost, but there was zero “quality time” believe me. So, God help me, I may be like Trump in that regard, only being “raised” by one parent, the male. I didn’t turn out totally batshit crazy, however.

  2. He’ll think he has her cornered by ‘forcing’ her to a Faux Snooz debate September 4, which she won’t agree to or appear at. Problem is that Trump will be Trump, he’ll go off the rails on some unhinged shit-throwing, attack Faux Snooz and the moderators for not being loyal enough, attack more Republicans for insufficient ass-kissing, and by the end he’ll piss so many people off he’ll effectively lose to an empty podium.

    Might almost be worth wasting the evening watching the shit-gobblin self-destruct. Almost.

  3. There’s bound to be some pearls in this interesting article that may help explain Trump today, due to him having come ‘from a poor family’. This is in contrast to ‘a poor family’ is where Trump never came from. Trump’s family was certainly not ‘a poor family’ per se, but Trump pretty well came ‘from a poor family’ which shaped and secured his future behavioural path and cemented both his fault and fracture lines.


  4. One correction but I think it’s a point that keeps getting overlooked but shouldn’t. Trump had a one-nighter (well, a one time quickie) with Daniels that he WANTED to turn into an affair. She beat herself up then and probably ever since for misreading the situation and getting cornered. Technically she wasn’t raped but it comes pretty damned close. She was pressured if not downright coerced with a “I’m bigger and stronger than you and I WILL “get some” – the easy way or the hard way” so she gave in and thankfully for her he was a “five minute man” and she managed to get the hell out of there.

    What gets overlooked that at this time Trump was in fact carrying on an actual affair that lasted almost a year with a former Playboy Playmate of the Year! Karen McDougal who claims to be a religious person and probably offers prayers of thanks every day that while she was on the witness list for that NYC trial she wasn’t called to the stand. She got off easy. Given the way Daniels got raked over the coals, and given that McDougal and the payoff (an illegal campaign contribution in and of itself) to her was entered into evidence McDougal should have had to testify. You think Melania was pissed about the embarrassment with Daniels? Seeing McDougal and her testimony about details of that long, actual full blown affair would have the Secret Service making sure she and Trump would never be in the same zip code again!

    I say whenever we talk about Daniels we should make every effort to also mention Trump’s actual, long-term affair with McDougal.



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