Rudy is going to Rudy and there’s precious little to be done for the old guy right now. There have been dozens of reports that Rudy has a serious drinking problem, he will never have money again due to the verdict in Georgia, he’s reduced to spot appearances on Far Right networks, been disbarred, all the while hawking everything he can to keep himself afloat, including a cheesy podcast. It would be tough to point to a man who fell so far over a relatively short period of time. Set aside partisanship for a second and it is kind of sad especially to family around him. His daughter blames Donald Trump for Rudy’s decline.

Yes, it is true that Caroline Giuliani voted for Hillary – no word on who she voted for in 2020 but her beliefs are as clear as yours. She sees destruction in Trump’s wake and doesn’t want the country to be next. From The Hill:

“After months of feeling the type of sorrow that comes from the death of a loved one, it dawned on me that I’ve been grieving the loss of my dad to Trump,” Caroline Giuliani continued. “I cannot bear to lose our country to him too.”

Again, if one simply looks on without the fierce feelings that our partisanship demands, it really is sad to hear of a daughter grieving a loved one who is still alive, still on television, and still with a misplaced faith in the man who most-contributed to the downfall. Sit back and think of the body count of the many others of which one can say the same.

There is little surprise. Trump demands “loyalty” even over competence making everyone – even the best – vulnerable to banishment based on Trump’s personal insecurities and the need to have a subservient entourage. In such a dynamic, no one can stay as they are, or even know who they are, what they believe, or where they are going without tying it wholly to Donald Trump. It is a little like how the Republican party didn’t even bother with writing a platform at the 2020 convention. How could they do so without knowing ahead of time what Trump would support?

Rudy has become the butt of a bad joke but revisit the man himself in his former life. At a very young age, Rudy became head of the Justice Department’s Southern District of New York – the appointment might be the most prestigious Justice Department job outside of Washington D.C. He was good at it. He then became the mayor who pulled his city of its emotional stupor during 9-11. He ran for president and – had he run better, may have been a candidate with some force… Then he met Trump.

Rudy’s inner-need for power led him to do the same as many did – lose himself in Trump’s wake, to be used and then thrown out. It is a sad decline and Caroline’s grief is all too understandable.

There are, however, many others. It is as good a reason as any to follow Caroline’s advice.

God Bless: I can be reached at [email protected]

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  1. As painful as it might be for Rudy Giuliani’s daughter to hear, Rudy wouldn’t have been influenced so much by DON THE CON TRUMP is he hadn’t been open to the CORRUPTION OF Trump & his CRIMINAL MOBSTER attitudes & lifestyle.
    It seems that Rudy was attracted to MOBSTERS in the end, after spending so much time as a prosecutor putting them in prison. SAD

  2. Her loyalty is understandable, and to some degree Trump has thrown gas on Rudy’s fire. That being said, your daddy was corrupt and destroyed many innocent people in feeding his ego long before Trump sucked him in. Also watch Rachel Maddow’s documentary From Russia With Lev, and you realize your daddy was instrumental in destroying the foundation of our democracy and is a TRAITOR. You may need to believe it’s all trump’s fault but it isn’t. If George Washington was still in charge…your daddy would have been hung by now. Good for you that you’ve chosen your own path.

  3. Good on you Caroline. A particular NY Harbour statue raises nice glass of XO to you, and silently whispers “Liberté, égalité, fraternité.” Bravo!


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