Oh, Great Screenwriter In The Sky, how do you do it? How do you create characters and situations that no mere story teller, no humble scrivener would ever even dare to try to float as plausible? Ron DeSantis managed to put his foot in his mouth again today when he had his version of Mitt Romney’s “47%” or Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” by calling MAGAs “listless vessels.” Turns out that’s pretty much of a stock phrase for both he and Casey to use. Plus, this happening on the same day when his truck gets stuck trying to back out of a spot in New Hampshire would scream of “on the nose” symbolism. But when you do it, Great Screenwriter, it’s real. And it is so much stranger than fiction.

Wait until the MAGAs hear that they’ve been trashed as listless vessels by Ron and that that puts them in the same league as D.C. politicians, according to Casey. Oh, Casey, those Camelot dreams are fading like a mirage in the desert.

Good for these vessels, they’re not listless, they’re scooting right along.

Now this poor guy is listing, listless, screwed in all events. Will MAGA like being compared to a Russian ship?

Although I think that Ron and Casey are going for more the Christian definition of vessel, as in Madison Cawthorn calling his wife his “earthen vessel.” She listed away from him, toute suite.

I agree with this. Vote for Ron DeSantis and he will take you from listless to listing, which is what a ship does before it keels over altogether and goes down to Davy Jones locker. Just more reason why I think DeSantis should finish out his term as governor and start an alligator farm.

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  1. I commented on an earlier article about DeSantis’ listless vessels remark that it was calculated – designed to attract independents and non-MAGA GOPers while using a term most MAGAs would be too stupid to understand. It’s easy enough to imagine even for those who know what vessel means the word listless evokes a “Hey Billy Joe Bob, yew got any idere what listless is? reaction. The tweet comments about listing seem more on the point. Listing is something damaged ships do, and really badly damaged ones go from listing to turning over and sinking. Like the USS Arizona who’s tragic fate we all know:

    • His remark can’t even be considered a decent insult. You can’t be insulted by a person you don’t respect. I went into a MAGA store in PCB FL yesterday and saw a few de sanctus items and asked the owner if any of it was selling and he said no. Ever since de sanctus announced his intent to run against DJT nobody was interested. His demeanor and appearance has declined ever since. SAD!

  2. The real listless vessel is DeSaster who has all the charisma of a long dead halibut and the warmth and charm of three day old sushi.

    • Ron! has morphed into a weird and repulsive character. He exudes contempt and awkward arrogance. Who told him this was a good idea? jill casey i suspect.

  3. Ron Dudsantis can’t even come up with a decent insult! Meatball Ron! is way out of his league.

    BTW I voted for this pudgy clown for gov. No refund no exchange but it’s the end of the line for casey and Ron!


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