This is so spot on. The GOP has become a group of unserious people attempting serious things. And in the process, this current crop of intellectually stunted, morally dwarfed trivial people, have trivialized government. Impeachment was a major deal. It’s only happened four times in our nation’s history, twice to the same man, Donald Trump. But now impeachment has been devalued to be the new censure — if that.

Picking up on this cultural and political devaluation is the Lincoln Project, who captures the trash TV aspect of this newest development perfectly. This is who we are in 2023. At least, it is who the GOP is in 2023. Come the end of 2024 and swearing in day on 2025, we may see a new configuration of what our government looks like. But for right now, this minute, this is the depth to which we have sunk.

“Never before will so little be shown by so few to so few.” That’s it. But as I said in a piece here earlier today, that’s the point. They KNOW they’ve got nothing. But they BELIEVE that if they just act like they have something, and pretend, and get it on tape, and go tout it on Fox News and Newsmax and RSBN and all the rest as if it was a big deal, they’ll get votes.

The Republicans are openly insulting the intelligence of the electorate. And understandably so. They know they’re POSs. People like that always do. So they figure, and actually quite reasonably, if you think about it, “if I got elected, then the voters must be idiots.” I can’t argue with that. But there does remain the possibility of a good, maybe even a massive turnout in 2024 and these bums will be voted out into the street where they belong.

And they know that, too. And they’re scared shitless. Ted Cruz has been living on his podcast because he’s scared of his Democratic contender. Lauren Boebert, I daresay, is losing sleep and she should be. She’s effed around a lot. She missed the vote on the debt ceiling and then lied about it (knowing what we know now, post Beetlejuice, she was probably getting laid) and then with the Beetlejuice debacle, she can’t afford another scandal.

It’s going to be a hot time in the old town in 2024. And the GOP can do trash TV all they want. They may find out that the electorate is smarter than they think. If just a few key imbeciles go — and Boebert is very vulnerable and Teddy isn’t all locked in by any means — that could carry a message.

And let’s see what happens with My Kevin. I think he may go the way of My Pillow, but who knows. Do remember the law of political physics which applies here, Everything Trump Touches Dies.

Now here’s another great idea for a trashy TV show starring the GOP.

It’s going to be an interesting few days. Unless I miss my guess, the GOP will shut down the government. And that will be the boomerang that comes back to hit them in the face. It is not going to go down well and it will not be received the way they think it will. It will be seen for the stupidity and ineptitude that it is.

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  1. My mind flashed to the Scrooge promo spot created by “Frank Cross” in the movie Scrooged. His executives rushed out of the meeting looking like they needed to head to the ER, as Cross says “I think they’ll like it in the heartland.”

    Sadly, “Chapionship Wrestling”, and monster truck shows where they do sometimes have some of those things crush old beater cars do have plenty of fans who will show up and pay through the nose for tickets. Or watch on TV. I find the LP ad funny as hell, and so will two-thirds of the country. Hopefully the one-third who are too effing stupid to realize it’s a send-up of them and the GOP won’t all bother to vote.

  2. Hey magats…I just got off the phone with JFK Jr. who informed me that his dad, his uncle, Elvis and senator Joe McCarthy have a foolproof plan. First,they apologize for not showing in Dallas but felt the deep state run by the Clinton’s, the Obamas, and the Bidens were waiting to take them hostage and thwart the entire operation. Second, they want you to send every dollar you have in the bank to president trump’s defense fund…EVERY DOLLAR! Third, they want the most loyal and best armed to meet in death valley July 4th at noon. Don’t bring water, food or shelter. EVERYTHING will be provided. Fourth, battle plans will be revealed and the magat army will then sweep across the southwest, and across the nation to the capital to REALLY capture it this time. It will require 40 days of planning in the desert, like Jesus did. Fifth, don’t bring pets or children, as there may be hand to hand fighting, and none of you want your child sold on the market for their organs. Sixth, bring your Bibles as Jesus is expected to return after the 40 days of prayers, the cleaning of weapons, and fellowship by sharing bread, wine and ammo. The end times are here. I asked JFK Jr. why me since my ancestor was Judas? His reply was his FATHER works in mysterious ways, as does the LORD!!! HE SAID SEE YOU THERE IT WILL BE WILD. P.S. Lap dances will be arranged by congressional members Greene and Boebert. Make America Great Again!!! 40 days in the summer desert should be a good start!!!

  3. Spot on lucidity here: “… Never before will so little be shown by so few to so few. That’s it …” leading up to “… the GOP will shut down the government. And that will be the boomerang that comes back to hit them in the face. It is not going to go down well …”. In sum, every political identity has the right to be stupid. Sadly, as we see here, some political identities, exercise that right, right up until their political demise is guaranteed and complete. It’s beyond comprehension in some instances, and that’s a fact, as witnessed here – a fact that cannot be ignored, ty these idiots, simply because it exists.


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