Is insanity a progressive illness, anybody know? Do you get crazier and crazier as time goes on, or do you get so so crazy and then just stay there at a stationary level of nuttiness? Because I have to say, in Lin Wood’s case, it seems like it is a progressive disease. He manages to cover in less than one minute everything from the evils of corporate giants like Walmart, to John D. Rockefeller, who’s been dead since 1937, to the illuminati poisoning the food and with fetal tissue no less. This is getting strange, like Soylent Green strange.

What a shame George Carlin isn’t here to do a parody of this. This is so nuts.

I think he lost his audience here. They are the Walmart crowd, they’re not going to stop shopping for the moo moos and the flip flips, c’mon Lin. They probably came for a good old revival meeting, to hear about the stolen election and reinstatement and what did they get but an instruction to not eat the food in the markets — so they’re supposed to live off a victory garden? And shoot mice and birds for protein? Or each other? Or go vegan? Or what?

Wood is definitely losing it. It wasn’t a one off when he was telling his law partners that he was Jesus. He’s been out of it for quite some time.

Good that he’s got this little nightclub act of his to keep busy. He’s not going to be practicing law too much longer, methinks.


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  1. No no…its squirrels (tree rats) and rabbits for protein…it takes too many mice and birds for a meal. Dad grew a really good garden for many years…to get anything out of one but weeds takes a lot more work than most MAGAts would want to put in.

  2. Can’t be anything store bought – they probably use the strange stuff in the fertiliser so veggies are out too

    Wait for a pronouncement regarding soap, disinfectant, cleaning material – the list goes on

  3. Somehow I don’t think eating only organically grown produce (either grown by one’s self or purchased at one of those fancy pants liberal farmer’s markets) and free range chicken and beef is something that will go over well with his target audience. Of course, I could be wrong about that. But slamming Wal Mart means no financial support from the family that is the biggest funder of the whole prosperity gospel grift. This guy is the psycho murderer in Dirty Harry who pays a guy to beat him to a pulp. Only he’s figured out a way to beat himself to a pulp!

    • Call the wagon people … a couple large strong attendants in white coats, carrying some odd looking straps hooked to an even more strange heavy canvas jacket … /s

      This man, like the pillow man and yes, like Trump himself, have been showing it is entirely possible to walk around, appear, “normal”, and yet, when talking, they show they are actually beyond a doubt, DEAD FROM THE NECK UP !!

      The Republican GOP scat team is showing complete collapse from any recovery going forward … pushing women down the road to fully controlled by religion extremists, in spite of the rules laid out in the Constitution … how dare theses poor excuses for humanoids even breath our precious oxygen …?

  4. If it’s dementia, yeah, it’s a progressive condition. Also unstoppable.
    You can get organic food in just about every supermarket now, though it costs more than the regular stuff and isn’t actually better for you.

  5. This MAGA maggot doesn’t deserve the cover of being called “insane”. What he is is mean…and desperate…and unoriginal. The folks I’ve been around that you could call insane were far kinder, more thoughtful and had a better grasp of reality.


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