The QAnon-nuts are probably busy trying to decipher the code in Lin Wood’s latest missive from South Carolina yesterday. Wood was doing his usual devotional to the Dreamsickle Deity, when he mentioned that his opponent, Drew McKissick had received a phone call from Donald Trump. That raised the level of the discourse from devotional to sycophancy serenade. And at the end he called Trump, “the ultimate white hat.”

There are a couple of things to note here:

  1. Lin Wood sounds actually paranoid that Trump might have phoned his opponent, Drew McKissick. Why would Trump do that?
  2. If he’s not paranoid, maybe he’s feeling unloved. Could Trump have forgotten who he was? Wood seems to be up there trying to convince himself as much as anybody else how important he is and has been to Trump.
  3. Is the lavish praise and declarations of loyalty a way to get Trump to side with him — because do not forget, Wood turned on Lindsey Graham a few days ago. And we know that Trump still remembers Lindsey. He’s that short guy that kicks the golf balls out of the bushes for Trump when nobody’s watching. That’s his job.

In all events, the term “ultimate white hat” has been getting plenty of attention. The most obvious reference is to cowboy movies where the good guy wears the white hat. But then there are other kinds of white hats, wink wink nudge nudge.

Or, maybe this is what Wood is worried about, going the way of so many others.

That’s probably it. Wood is probably paranoid that Trump, his personal deity, will say to him, “depart from me, I knew ye not.”

It might be time for a pilgrimage down to the Marmalade Mansion in Florida. Except Wood will have to get in line behind Kevin McCarthy, Ron DeSantis and a lot of other acolytes with lots bigger problems than whether Donald Trump placed a phone call to Drew McKissick.

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  1. Lin Wood’s and other opportunistic types’ loony-dependent diet recently have given me a whole new sympathy for the legitimately tragic desperation of the hungry vulture.
    Sorry, babe, this one’s not reliably dead yet, but hang out a little while longer; it’s looking like a solid bet the nutritious bits of Formerly’s corpse will soon be strewn like roadkill from the SDNY to the Florida line.

  2. Lin Wood and other opportunistic types’ dietary dependency on loonies has given me a whole new appreciation for the legitimately sad plight of the starving vulture waiting endlessly for something to go on and die already.
    But in good news for starving vultures everywhere, it’s sure looking like their desperate patience will be soon rewarded; when Letitia James and the SDNY are done with Formerly, his nutritious bits will be strewn along 1-75 all the way from Mar-A-Lago to NYC.

  3. I immediately thought of how the Coen brothers treated the klan in O Brother Where Art Thou? Parading around with silly chants looking more like a halftime show at a football game.


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