Poor Lin Wood. He’s probably been kicking himself since the acquittal verdict of Kyle Rittenhouse. It was some other attorney, hired after he was fired, who took the victory laps and got invited on all the talk shows — not to mention getting the nice fat checks from the GoFundMe account. Damn.

But Wood is nothing if not imaginative. So he decided to interject himself into the picture one way or another. He took umbrage when Mark Richards called him an “idiot” during a CNN interview. Here’s what he decided to do.

What are the chances of Richards retracting? Zilch. What are the chances of Wood retaliating? Pretty good, considering he’s got nothing to lose. He craves the limelight, he needs to be able to keep his hand into the right-wing grifting trough so he might try it. And don’t forget, it won’t be the first time Lin Wood has put forth some ridiculous proposition and the courts have shut him down. He’s an old hand at this.


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    • I hope this actually goes to trial. I’d like nothing more than to watch Richards’ attorney prove beyond all doubt just how stupid Wood is.

  1. Had Wood been Rittenhouse’s lawyer, his client would have been nailed on all three counts of Murder One, even with the judge tipping the scales. Only Rudy is less competent.


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