In “1984” Winston Smith makes the comment, “The best books are the ones that tell you what you already know,” after he is privileged, finally, to read the book that describes the truth of the dystopian state in which he has dwelt all his life.

Likewise, the best congressional hearings are ones that verify what you have already suspected or intuited to be the truth. Such was the case today.

One of the landmark testimonies today was, once again, from former aide to Mark Meadows, Cassidy Hutchinson. She testified about a raging Trump, who was livid that the Supreme Court had not come through for him as anticipated. What good is stacking the deck if the people you put in power don’t break the law for you when the time comes, right?

The narcissist in chief did not take losing well.

A few other highlights. Even Mike Pompeo and Ivanka were not going along with Trump that day.

Bill Barr chimes in.

Even the RNC got dragged into the fray.

Here’s where it got ugly, the direct assault on the Capitol.

From ugly to unbelievable, the Secret Service knew armed violence was imminent. “Their plan is to literally kill people.”

Here’s the body bags crack. If this was not America’s darkest day, it will do until the real thing comes along.

Mike Pence was also described as a “dead man walking” if he didn’t do what was wanted.

“Don’t fuck around. Full kits. 180 rounds minimum.” On these facts, it is miraculous the death toll that day was as low as it was.

Two must-see clips, one of Pat Cippolone admitting Trump didn’t want his fans to leave and new footage of Pelosi.

This is what I find cringeworthy. Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi essentially represented law and order in the Capitol at that point, because the then sitting president had gone mad — or perhaps a more accurate way to state it is that he showed his true colors.

And this is how history will remember this day. Pelosi and Schumer attempted to gain control of the situation, but in stark reality? There was no official leadership in Washington, D.C. that day, because Trump had stopped even the pretense of doing the job he was elected to do.

These are the lowlights. What followed next were clips of Roger Stone and Michael Flynn taking the Fifth Amendment.

The entire hearing is on C-Span, if you missed it. Next? Trump’s testimony is being subpoenaed.

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  1. Leave in a body bag. Well, seems like the dumb-asses who spewed that bit of stupidity are likely now doing time. How’s that going for you J-sixth magats? You look pretty foolish right now…of course it is highly likely you always did.

  2. All this underscores why I’ve NEVER been afraid of anyone getting away with it after J6 failed: they went so far past the line of plausible deniability as to on the other side of the globe. Like the king, you come for the federal government like this, you best not miss. Because the Federales won’t when it’s time for their shot.

  3. The cat was never in the bag to.anyone who watched 1/6 unfold. Er already knew he told them to.shut down the meyal.detectors because the crowd wouldn’t hurt HIM. He didn’t care about others being hurt. He sat and watched them threaten Pence,’s life, and sympathized. He heard them seeking Pelosi with the hope of killing her. HR owns this horror story.


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