We’re going to have to write some kind of a sequel to the Peter Principle, to cover this swarm of nouveau-type politicians, who are not only not politicians, but are incompetent at the business in which they were employed before they ran for office. Lauren Boebert is so dense, and so irresponsible, that she doesn’t keep up on paperwork for copyrights, and so they lapsed. They were picked up by people who are, how should we say, not fans of Boebert’s and they’re going to be auctioned.

This information first came to Boebert’s attention on a parody site, and she threatened the site. Her quasi-legal gibberish is memorable. Read this entire thread, because it’s worth the time.

Let’s take a look at the language. This was clearly written by somebody without a clue about copyright law or government, who thought that this sounded official enough to frighten somebody. “Defamatory impersonation” is not a thing. And it’s unlikely that the copyright to the photos are held by both the federal government and Boebert’s office. It’s a scare tactic, and it didn’t work.

This is who is getting elected these days to Congress on the Republican ticket. You would think that she would at least have enough sense to let a lawyer, law clerk, somebody with some education draft a cease and desist letter. But I guess not. If she had that much sense, the copyrights wouldn’t have lapsed to begin with. Boebert is unravelling fast.

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  1. “This is who is getting elected these days to Congress on the Republican ticket.”

    So, whose fault is it? The incompetent running for office or the people voting for the incompetent?

    Sounds like a 21st century version of the old “chicken or the egg” bit.

    • When television became a factor in politics, you started to see how that played a role. But this is beyond playing a role. Creating an image is the entire enchilada these days. Don’t worry about substance, create the right form, tell the right lies, and you’re home. That’s how this woman is in Congress.

  2. “Intellectual property tights” law might be a better blanket term. Cpyright automatically belongs to the creator if a work (in this case the asrist eho drew the image, not to Boebert unless she did it herself), lasts for life plus 75 years, and does not need to beregistered (though smart people will do so) to remain valid Trademaking, on the other hand, does need to be registered to be protected (and the request to register it must be justified – one can be turned down), and must be renewed at least once. This is probably what happened. But even had she (or her lawyer – I don’t see her getting it registered in the first place without some assistance) renewed the protection, that would not make the logo the propert of the U.S. government simply because she’s a Congresswoman now. Sheesh.

  3. Can someone paint her face green and put a witch hat on her head? The chin matches the wicked witch of the west! It will be a historical photoshop! Oh yea, take off the glasses. ??

  4. Personally, I question the intelligence of the people who voted for her. Also those who frequent her place of business.

    • Well in Colorado they do both due to the basic name and open carry. But unless they have radically changed since I was there. They are generally smart people unlike her. I do believe that the new will wear off in a hurry like in the next few days. That would be my guess.


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