Yes, the Addams Family memes are flying through the internet tonight as video leaks out from yet another wild weekend at Donald Trump, Jr.’s place. He’s got quite the life, Junior. He gets loaded, cuts one of his political PSA announcements, gets more loaded, smokes a cigar, admits “I have no idea what the hell’s happening,” cuts another PSA, and keeps repeating the process until he passes out. We guess.

All we can go by is the footage we see.

Tonight we have been graced with Kimberly Guilfoyle telling us of Trump philanthropy. What’s that you say? Didn’t the Trump Organization get banned from all charitable work? Wellll, yeah, but that doesn’t seem to be stopping anybody.

Toys For Tots, or Tits For Toys, or TitsRUs, who knows? Guilfoyle looks like Pluto chased her out of the Underworld with a pitchfork. Or, like she’s in some Z-grade low budget movie, where a black ooze is creeping from her chest up to her neck.

Her look has been called both Hooker Goth and Vampire Chic.

She may have worse taste than Melania and that’s saying something.

Thank God she’s not the First Lady of California right now.

I promised you Addams Family memes.

Make sure your sound is up for this one, folks. This is from CPAC, early 2021.

Grab your chair.

From the sublime to the ridiculous. Or at least from the noteworthy to the repellent.

This is why I hate these people. January 6 was such a lark to them. Guilfoyle got paid $60,000 for a 90 second introduction of Donald Trump and Trump sent his mob down the street to kill Mike Pence, on the scaffolding they had already erected, and overturn the results of the election so Trump could be King. And Kimberly and Junior got loaded and danced. They were all in for it. And don’t forget the January 6 Committee had evidence that Guilfoyle was in touch with “key people” on the day of the riot. That’s why they subpoenaed her and she made a dramatic exit.

MAGAs are getting robbed blind and the Trumps party hearty on the gelt.

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  1. My days on active duty were decades ago. I was proud of the Corps’ Reserves’ efforts to help poor kids have presents to open via the Toys For Tots program and have made my own purchases/contributions over the years since. But if instead of my run-of-the-mill service I’d somehow risen to the point where I was Commandant I’d have the Officer in command of the Reserve Unit down there in FL where Mar A Lago is standing tall with heels locked for not having issued a press release and a video cut for every news outlet denouncing ANY involvement of this lying, disgraceful and unpatriotic family with Toys For Tots!

  2. I’m sure children everywhere are feeling so blessed with this news. yep.

    Where’s the charity based? I don’t think it can be in NY can it?

  3. Can someone take her aside and explain makeup to her, and maybe get her to understand that more than 50% of the country is not interested in her T&A?

  4. What? Is she supposed to be queen of the undead? What an ugly look she’s garnered for herself. She doesn’t even remotely resemble that young girl with a young Gavin Newsome. That’s what years of grifting, meanness and hanging out with the evil crowd will do to you. Look at Kellyanne Conway. Dried out looking from standing too close to the hellfire of tRump world for too long.


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