One thing about Donald Trump, he is nothing if not predictable. It was known by one and all Wednesday that when Trump read The Atlantic piece on former defense secretary James Mattis, wherein Mattis called Trump a “threat to the constitution” that widdle baby Donnie would go WAAAAAA!!!! and throw an epic fit. And of course, he did.

This is beyond vintage Trump, this is epic Trump. This pair of tweets will go down in history. Trump, the Big Man “gave” General Mattis “a new life and battles to win.” I don’t think God Almighty has got this big an ego. And the part that puts me on the floor is that Trump doesn’t like somebody else’s “leadership style?” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 7 billion people don’t like Trump’s leadership style. He’s an international embarrassment. He’s probably being laughed at by people on other planets, as our TV broadcasts reach out into space. Any sentient being anywhere who sees an image of Donald Trump is going to laugh and stare, “this is a leader?”

In all events, John Kelly showed up to fact check and push back. Washington Post:

“The president did not fire him. He did not ask for his resignation,” Kelly, a retired Marine Corps general, said in an interview. “The president has clearly forgotten how it actually happened or is confused. The president tweeted a very positive tweet about Jim until he started to see on Fox News their interpretation of his letter. Then he got nasty. Jim Mattis is a honorable man.”

Trump was too freaking stupid to understand what Mattis’ letter of resignation meant until Sean Hannity translated it for him, as you may recall.

Now, back to Trump’s classic tweets, another noteworthy thing is that every single fact he cites is a lie. Sometimes he actually gets the date or the place right but here there’s nothing.


Trump has been lying so often and for so long now, I don’t think he even knows when it’s happening. Or, it may be simpler than that. The truth may not be in him. He may be that far gone. In all events, we don’t need a mental patient in the White House. Let’s get him out and let Melania and his kids get him a nice facility somewhere — unless of course the legal prosecutions after he’s out of office provide him with government housing of a different sort from what he has now. No matter, just as long as he’s out of our hair.



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  1. Let’s be fair. I once saw him say, ” I stand by nothing.” So he gave us the straight scoop then. LIES, 18,000+. TRUTH, 1. of course Mr Kelly lied & got caught on video being what he claimed the congresswoman from Florida was…”an empty barrel”, disgracing himself & his son. Oh & supported this treason until his cushy job profiting off children illegally locked up in cages. Ur moniker should be… I’m Nazi light…no kudos from me cakehole.

  2. The picture you used here, of Trump cowering in a corner? The best laugh I’ve had in a very long time. And so appropriate for the subject of this article!!

  3. The Tangerine Terdbucket suffers from malignant narcissism which results in his serial, pathological lying. He is rapidly descending into dementia (which runs in his family).


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