John Hickenlooper #*%$ Up Again In San Francisco, He Needs To Withdraw From The Race


If there’s one hard and fast rule I have, it’s that Democrats should not attack other Democrats. That being said, I emphatically urge former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper to put the Democratic party first and withdraw from seeking the party’s nomination. He’s had one too many screwball gaffes to be taken seriously as a presidential candidate, the last one just a few hours ago. Hickenlooper got furiously booed at the Democratic Party convention in San Francisco, Saturday, for giving Fox News the sound bite of the year. Man, is this stupid!

This is a bona fide disaster. Hickenlooper was booed because nobody in the Democratic party is talking about socialism being the answer. If you have heard one Democratic presidential candidate get up to any podium to say, “Socialism is the answer,” would you please contact me immediately? So, I don’t know from whence Hickenlooper parsed together that absurd comment, but in any event, we’re screwed: Fox is going to frame this as Hickenlooper pleading for reason and the wild-eyed pinko commie radical extremists in the Democratic party booing him down, because dad gum it, they WANT socialism! Yeah!

Socialism is still a dirty word, because of the USSR which was anything but a union of socialist republics, it was a hell hole run by dictators, always has been. Of course, the complete irony of this discussion is that the party getting in bed with the Russians is the GOP, but of course, because of gaffes like this, Democrats will be labelled socialist, which is one step below communist, and you know where that conversation is headed.

My opinion is that the man is a buffoon and dead last who we should be nominating for president. Saturday in San Francisco was not his first gaffe, not by a long shot. Politico:

DES MOINES—[March 29, 2019] The man knows how to make an entrance.

During his opening swing through Iowa after declaring his candidacy for president, at his very first campaign stop inside a bustling brew pub here south of downtown, John Hickenlooper arrives to find a crowd of more than 100 voters buzzing about the latest applicant to join the strangest job-interviewing process on Earth. Bending his lanky, 6-foot, 1-inch frame to fit through the crowded doorway of the events room, all eyes on the White House hopeful, the celestial nature of his moment shatters with the pint glass meeting the concrete floor just a few feet away.

It spawns something of a Zapruder film debate: Some attendees say they saw Hickenlooper fumble the glass, others insist he bumped into the man who dropped it, while the candidate himself swears he had nothing to with the accident. Whatever the real explanation, it’s less compelling than what happens next. Hickenlooper instinctively kneels and begins picking up the shards with his bare hands, shooing away staffers trying to stop him, and assuring them that nobody in this bar has more experience picking up broken glass than he has. […]

The candidate’s friends call him “odd,” “quirky,” “eccentric.” For anyone who watched Hickenlooper’s recent CNN town hall—a prime-time event capable of jump-starting a longshot candidacy—these descriptors seem generous. When asked whether he would commit to picking a woman as his running mate, Hickenlooper said he would, then drew groans from the audience by adding, “How come we’re not asking, more often, the women, ‘Would you be willing to put a man on the ticket?’” (He clearly intended to highlight the historic gender imbalance in presidential politics, but the execution made him seem tone-deaf at best or pandering at worst.) Later in the program, Hickenlooper recalled the time he took his mother to see “Deep Throat” due to his ignorance of what the X-rating meant, setting social media ablaze once more and likely sending his campaign staffers scattering for the nearest cocktail hour.

He also published a book of memoirs in 2016 where he talks about his quest to lose his virginity. Please, Mr. Hickenlooper, I beg you: put party first and withdraw your candidacy. The Democrats are facing enough problems storming the castle, we don’t need you tripping over your own shoelaces and slowing us up.

I am aware of your virtues of being a scientist and a self-made millionaire, and you did much to revitalize Denver. I know you expanded public transportation and you are credited with expanding health care coverage. These are laudable achievements and I do laud them.

I respectfully submit that there are other Democrats more suited for the top position on the ticket and that you should withdraw.

BTW, I was born and raised in Denver, for whatever that’s worth. As a fellow Coloradan, now residing in California, I implore you to do the right thing. Just my two cents.


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  1. I saw on Twitter that he made that “socialism” comment and immediately went “Why is he introducing into the discussion a phony smear made up by Republicans who don’t even know what the word ‘socialism’ means and just use it to mean ‘really horrible person’ in a generic sense?” It struck me as nonsensical and counterproductive. Not even Bernie Fucking Sanders is proposing socialism.

    • It was so off the walls. I am totally down on this guy. I just want him to go away and not make any more stupid headlines.

      • It’s getting hard to justify the army of white guys who think they have a place in this race. I can’t think of a reason we need Hickenlooper to run.

        • I don’t know why Hickenlooper is bothering. What are there now, 22 candidates or something like that? He’s got to be dead last. Him and Swalwell. That was bizarre when he announced. What is he smoking to think he’s got a shot? Either one of them?

          I don’t know, maybe there’s something in the air. Maybe you and I should throw our hats in the ring, Anastasia. How much weirder can it get out there?

          • No, he’s a self-made man, I give him that, but he is the dead opposite of what we need in a candidate right now. He really needs to withdraw.

          • He is a truly nice gentle man who has never been a good politician. Some can run for office, others can run an office, few can do both well.

            I have no idea why he thought this run was a good idea. So many succumb to ego. I fear this is it. Most of the 24 dems are really not well qualified and that includes some of the top six or so. We’d all be better off if he stayed home and took on cory Gardner.

          • I am impressed enough with his record, but this socialist comment, and dissing Medicare for All — thumbs down. Thumbs bleeping down. Somebody get the hook and pull him off stage.

          • We need more random women in the race!!!! But all these interchangeable white guys are really aren’t making a case for themselves. I love Eric Swalwell but why on earth did he decide to run NOW? He’s so young he could be working his way up in House leadership and running 12 or 16 or 20 years from now.

            Tim Ryan is really on my last nerve. I would rank him last among our four Idiohio Democratic congresspersons in terms of effectiveness, leadership, advocacy and name recognition. I have nothing against him but he’s mostly known for always saying he might run for senator/governor/ speaker and then not doing it. His run for speaker was especially arrogant because he has never held ANY position in leadership. For him to think he had the skills and deftness to deal with Trump at this critical time was dangerous. It was more of that white male sense of self-importance like the guy last night who grabbed Kamala’s mic because he had “bigger issues” to talk about.

          • Animal-rights activist wearing a “press pass” badge. The sound crew turned off the mike quickly. But he should have been charged for that – grabbing the mike while she was holding it should count as assault.

          • My take on why he is running — 15 mins of fame and ego.
            We certainly do NOT need a crazy loose cannon in the race. Good thing is he will not be taken seriously by anyone other than Fauz News . . . oh wait . . .that IS bad!

  2. I guess I’m your mirror image, Ursula – born and raised in California and now living in Colorado. I voted for him twice for governor and even had a bumper sticker because his Republican opponents were so much worse. I can’t see why anyone would support him for President. I certainly don’t. Having declared when he shouldn’t have, was not needed, had and has no chance, yes, he should do the next best thing and get out.

    • How funny! Where in Colorado, if you don’t mind me asking? I was born and raised in Denver and I went to college at CU in Boulder. Came to L.A. in 1979.

      I met Richard Lamm once, as a young girl in high school. I liked him a lot.

      Hickenlooper does not belong in this race. He’s a distraction. He really needs to put party above self and withdraw. That’s my feeling.

  3. Of the 23 declared Democratic candidates, Hickenlooper is currently #23 on my list, so this latest gaffe didn’t affect his standing with me at all. Probably doesn’t help his chances of someday reaching #22, though.

    • He’s got a history of this tone-deaf idiocy. It doesn’t play on the presidential stage. When you’re going for the top gig in the country, you have to have a grasp of some basic decorum and this guy doesn’t have it.

    • He’s actually reached #20 with me, but that’s because Tulsi Gabbard, Tim Ryan and Bernie Sanders are below him, with Sanders the only one I would not vote for if he is the nominee.

  4. I am a Colorado native retired in Mexico – so I still vote in Colorado. IMHO he was a marginally effective mayor and totally unimpressive as a Governor. I held my nose and voted for him the first time but couldn’t in good conscience for for him twice so I skipped the govenor’s race.

    • Another Colorado native! WOOT! I guess they’re all going to come out for this piece. Hickenlooper needs to get out of the race. This is turning into a fiasco and it’s only June.


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