Jason Kander Drags Josh Hawley for Freakin Out About Balloon and the Replies are Hilarious


Last night as the celebrated Chinese weather balloon or whatever was floating high above Missouri, Senator Josh Hawley (Suburban D.C.) joined the freaked out chorus of MAGA voices in demanding that President Biden scramble the F-18s or launch an ICBM or SOMETHING! to bring it hurtling to Earth to unknown consequences.

I mean if it is full of deadly pathogens as suggested by Jesse Watters on Fox News, such a course of action would be extremely ill advised.

And if Kari Lake and Ohio Senator J.D. Vance are poised to bring it down with their deer rifles, isn’t there a chance these two fine public servants might be clobbered by balloon debris?

But one time Democratic Senate hopeful Jason Kander thinks Hawley is just afraid that his constituency might find out the balloon spent more time in Missouri airspace than Josh has spent on the ground there since elected.

The replies are lit:

A hand gun for a target 50,000 feet away. Gosar is some shot 🙄


🏃 🏃 🏃


Got my vote.




Has to be.




It should be over your home in Virginia, Josh, why aren’t you out there in your backyard with your 30 ought 6?

Surely you’re not gonna let J.D. cuck ya.

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