As I’ve written previously, during the RNC Rachel Maddow posited something that I totally agreed with. And that was the simple fact that Traitor Tot would never have sent the critical white suburban women’s vote screaming and running if he didn’t honestly believe he already had the race in the bag, and nominate a sexist redneck like Goober Vance for his running mate.
Now we know. Trump’s arrogance came shining through and he screwed the pooch. MSNBC quoted published reporting that in the two weeks before the RNC, Trump, relying on internal polling was 100% certain that he already had the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in his pocket. And Trump led with his balls.
Other reporting shows that in the last two weeks leading up to the convention, Traitor Tot was of a split mind on his choice for successor. On the one hand, His Lowness wanted a spineless sycophant caretaker like Mike Pence who wouldn’t cause him to have to keep looking over his shoulder as his VP upstaged him setting up a 2028 run. That would mean sniveling wussies like Rubio or Bergum.
On the other hand, Trump was thinking of his legacy. Which means that he wanted a more active, militant true believer to carry the MAGA mantle forward when he finally departed the scene. That meant loudmouth MAGA firebrands like Tim Scott and JD Vance.
The reporting showed that in the last 10 days, His Lowness was actually leaning towards Bergum. But Goober Vance had a secret weapon. Namely his sugar daddy and one man employment agency, billionaire Peter Thiel, who personally walked Vance through the Mar-A-Slobo door and introduced him to Trump for his interview. Add to that the fact that Vance is Diaper Donnie Redux’s drinking buddy and Mother Tucker loves him, and the deal was sealed.
Which now leaves Trump with an interesting conundrum, and quite possibly a conundrum that matches the DNC’s conundrum on making Harris’s nomination official. An anonymous Trump campaign official sheepishly admitted to reporters today that Vance’s nomination was a luxury. English translation: We f*cked up. Trump was in a mood where he thought he could literally nominate a department store’s mannequin and it wouldn’t make a difference. The race was in the bag.
Lord knows that Traitor Tot can be mulish, but he can also be mercurial. In 2016 Trump nominated failed Indiana Governor and lickspittle Mike Pence as his VP pick, trying to bolster his street creds with the Evengelical community. Within 24 hours, the news had broken that His Lowness had had second thoughts, and was looking to replace Pence on the ticket. And this was before the nominating convention, when it would be easy.
But it’s different this time. The nominating convention is over, and Vance is on the ballot. If Trump tries to replace him now, he’s going to run up against the same time limits for official names to be submitted to the states as the Democrats are now with Kamala Harris. And you can bet your ass that there are Democratic Attorney’s General in states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona and Pennsylvania just chomping at the bit to file lawsuits to stick Goober Vance up Trump’s ass on the ballot.
Marry in haste, and repent at leisure. Trump made an arrogant, balls first d*ck move in putting Vance on the ticket, sending suburban white women in states with abortion measures on the ballot screaming for the exits. And now Trump is stuck with a toxic vice presidential candidate, and running against a 59 year old black woman with a unified party before her, and more energy before breakfast than Trump has all month. Tick-tock. Tick-tock.
I thank you for the privilege of your time.
tick..tick..tick. For whom the bell tolls..Tip jar.
Stupid is as stupid does. Forrest Gump
my wife regrets every purchase ever. trump is worse. weird
I won’t ever use PayPal again.
Love your style! “Mar-A-Slobo?” I WILL be e-using that with due credits. THank you for your outstanding service and wordsmithery!