MAGA Bill: “What do you want to do today?”

MAGA Bob: “Gee, I don’t know. What do you want to do today?”

MAGA Bill: “I sure wish we could afford some good Trump stuff. I mean, there are portraits and blimps and statues and robots and you know what? I just heard there’s a life size drone.”

MAGA Bob: “REALLY? A drone? You sure it isn’t just a kite? My nephew had one of them.”

MAGA Bill: “No, this is a drone. And not that little UFO drone that Junior was selling either, the one with a propeller on its head? This is a life size Trump drone that flies way up into the sky. And he’s dressed like Superman.”

MAGA Bob: “Sheeeeet. You’re dreaming. There ain’t no such thing.”

Alas, there is.

But here’s the good part. They left this part out.

Remember, this is all about owning the libs. That’s why they love him. That’s the basis of the cult. Thou Shalt Own the Libs. If you destroy democracy in the process, who cares? In fact, all the better, they might think. If they could think at all.

America has taken a strange turn the past five years, I’ll say that much. Lindsey Graham pointed out that Trump is a cross between P.T. Barnum and Jesse Helms. That such a being could become a pseudo politician and cult hero is astounding. It says a lot about who we are. At least who a sizeable portion of us are.


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  1. Us model aircraft builders are a crazy bunch at times – there are plans out there for actual flying models of witches, flying saucers, wheelbarrows – even one of Snoopy on top of his dog house (wearing his helmet and goggles of course).

    And they all actually fly – so somebody sat and thought – what’s the next crazy thing we can build?
    Lo and behold, Air Farce 45


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