It’s been a rattling few weeks for Donald Trump. Yes, his MAGA candidates did well, but what do you expect when stacking the odds like he did with the twin Erics, Greitens and Schmitt, in Missouri? It’s difficult to lose when you turn everything into a cartoon like Trump did and does.

So on the one hand, Trump looks like he’s doing alright and riding the success train. However, on the other hand, it cannot be ignored that the wheels of justice are grinding away, most loudly in the Georgia criminal investigation surrounding Trump requesting the secretary of state to “find” over 11,000 votes in the 2020 election.

Plus — and this is the biggy — Merrick Garand gave TWO press conferences in which he declared that all appropriate people would be investigated with respect to January 6. So what is the DOJ going to do, is the $64,000 question?

For our purposes, this is starting to look like a win/win situation. If Garland indicts Trump himself, how wonderful would that be? If he decides that due to the political nature of the situation that the appointment of a special prosecutor is warranted, nothing wrong with that.

All roads lead to indictment, is joyfully the way that this seems to be shaking down.

This is as simple as it gets: the DOJ is calling in a lot of White House aides as witnesses, most notably Pat Cipollone. That is the indication of a trail of breadcrumbs that all lead up to the big orange kahuna himself.

A new week starts soon. It’s August, expect it to be hot for Trump. He peacocked through his Wisconsin rally and through CPAC, but that doesn’t mean he’s not sweating. He is. Bigly.


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  1. Maybe Rony jacked up Jackson is on the right track. I’d love to see dumpty’s body…on a slab. Quick! More chicken, fries, & burgers stat!!Stat!!! I celebrate April 30th as the day the mass murderer Hitler put a bullet in his head. I’m willing to add another day for another mass murderer.

  2. NOPE…many former prosecutors have said that would have happened already.

    Too many limitations.

    Garland wants to do it himself 😀

    • Hopefully soon. Wonder if he would have sat on his thumbs for 19 months prosecuting the killer of 6 million jews? 19 months & counting…



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