If there is the slightest doubt in your mind that the Trump kkklan is wired differently from the rest of the human race, this should remove it entirely. A few days ago Donald Trump Jr. saw his way clear to mock the tragic accidental shooting death of the cinematographer on Alec Baldwin’s movie “Rust” in New Mexico. Junior thought it was a giant yuck yuck to create tee shirts saying, “Guns don’t kill people, Alec Baldwin kills people” and put them online for $27.99 — in four colors, no less.

It goes without saying that people of normal sensibility began calling Junior out for this callous and horrific display. And he shot back that it was all “sanctimony” as if he even knew the meaning of the word. That was expected. What was not anticipated is that he would pour gasoline on the fire and keep going with this crass and classless act. Junior thinks these memes are really a hoot and a holler.

Junior feels that all’s well in love and war because he’s so stick, stone, stupid that he can’t see that Baldwin having done an award winning spoof of his father does not entitle Junior or any Trump family member to ridicule a painful situation in which a woman died simply because Baldwin played a role. Junior is incapable of grasping the human dimension of the tragedy. A woman is dead.  That’s what’s wrong. The fact that someone that Junior’s father called an enemy of the people is involved in the tragedy does not mean that the event now justifies open hunting season in MAGA world. But Junior can’t get it.

The investigation in New Mexico continues and here are the questions that most everybody is asking. Baldwin’s culpability as a producer is perhaps at issue because there were safety issues on the set. But as to the actual pulling of the trigger, there is no question but that he was relying upon a crew member’s word that the gun was unloaded.

  1. How did an inexperienced, 24-year old armorer, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, come to preside over a live round being put into the gun that was then given to Baldwin? Especially after guns were already accidentally discharged?
  2. What accountability, if any, will Baldwin have here? Not for pulling the trigger, but for his role as a producer on a shoot that it seems was far from properly managed?
  3. “We’ve now had 3 accidental discharges. This is super unsafe.” That’s a text message from someone on set to the unit production manager, which the L.A. Times reported was sent before the Thursday shooting. If true, who failed to act on this specific warning? That text is presumably going to be the first line of any civil lawsuit filed on behalf of Hutchins’ family.
  4. If conditions on set were so bad that some crew members had walked out, why was the shoot allowed to continue with non-union workers?
  5. The Brandon Lee death on The Crow led to widespread industry reforms. What will the long-term impact be here? ABC already banned “live” guns on The Rookie. More will certainly follow, right?

The questions are from a newsletter that Matt Belloni, a former Hollywood Reporter editor publishes, and they reflect pretty much what everyone is wanting to know about the investigation.

Junior is oblivious to all of this. Like a very young child he is only able to perceive life in black and white terms and to his “mind” what he’s doing is just fine. Baldwin bad, Daddy good. That’s his level.

Junior wrote on Instagram, “Screw all the sanctimony I’m seeing out there. If the shoe was on the other foot Alex Baldwin would literally be the first person pissing on everybody’s grave trying to make a point. F*ck him!” No, he wouldn’t. This isn’t a both-sider situation. Alec Baldwin, or any normal minded person faced with these facts would not be reacting the way Don Jr. is and trying to grift a buck off a family’s pain. The only one reacting the way Junior is, is Junior. Nobody else in the right-wingosphere has seen fit to stoop so low except for him.

Donald Trump Jr. is a degenerate, born to wealth and entirely lacking in intelligence, character or breeding. End of story.

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    • Another soulless hypocrite celebrating the family of the #1 serial killer’s evil spawn. Good 4u Jackie. Time to go back in the box until ur toddler turns ur handle. Then u can pop back up with ur stupid grin as u post more support for the traitor & his idiot spawn. Cue up the music. Dit da dit da dit diddle diddle do.

  1. I feel like Don-the-con Junior has a problem seeing ANYTHING through his blood-shot eyeballs … riding the big black horse as the headless horseman on Halloween would be an easy for him, being dead from the neck up already …

      • LOL? WTF is wrong with you? Having handled and fired guns since I was in grade school (under strict supervision of my dad who drilled safety into me as did other dads of my friends!) I don’t think this is the least bit funny. If as a co-producer Baldwin was involved in financial decisions cutting costs that led to cutting corners on firearms safety on that set then he bears civil liability. However, he’s been a freaking actor his whole life and learned over his decades in the business to trust the system and when it came to guns the specialists responsible for ensuring safety. He heard the announcement of “cold gun” before it was handed to him and tragically trusted the individual who didn’t check it.

        I mentioned in a comment elsewhere a day or two ago that I wondered if with live guns and being out in the boonies some of the local non-union types on the set who were also “good ole boys/gals” had decided to grab some ammo out of their vehicles and do some target practice with set guns for fun during a long break. Turns out there are reports that’s EXACTLY what happened. I also speculated they might have realized someone was checking out the noise and scattered and in their haste to put the guns back where they’d gotten them neglected to clear them of live rounds. It’s now more that a remote possibility that’s exactly what happened.

        As for Baldwin, he’d already balked over a potential safety problem on that set regarding having a child actor in the general direction he’d be pointing a gun. However, if instructed to do a “shoot into the camera shot” and having been told he’d been given a cold gun (no live rounds OR blanks in movie set parlance btw) he complied. And as for your ASSHOLE comment about blowing that lady’s head off she was shot in the stomach and her spine was severed before the round went on to injure another person.

        So, how bout it? Are YOU the type who would, if working on a film set with live guns sneak one (or more) off a prop table, take it away and engage in some “plinking” for fun?

      • Nice to see a teenager can type. Try reading a book. U may, with help, grow up to be a real person someday. Unlike the talking beard ridin that train, high on cochise. Too late 4 that asswipe.


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