If there’s any doubt in your mind that Donald Trump lives in an adamantine echo chamber where not even a ray of reality penetrates, this will convince you undeniably. Trump gave an exclusive interview to the New York Post and he predicted that he would win New York. Seriously. New York Post:

“I’ll solve the crime problem. I’ll solve their tax problem. I’ll solve all their problems. Who would not vote for me?” he said. “We’re going to look into SALT, we’re going to look into crime, we’re going to look into all of the things and solve the problems — of many problems that they have in New York.”

He continued: “We did well last time, but to get over 50 percent is hard for a Republican. But we’re putting New York in play. We’re going to play it very strong and very hard. And we are going to try to win New York.”

He did “well” last time? Losing by 22 points is doing well? If that’s doing well, I wonder what getting your ass kicked looks like. But he went on.

Trump told The Post that he believes a spike in violent crime and high taxes can help him win his home state in an upset against Biden and running mate Kamala Harris.

“Over the last six months what’s happened is insane. It’s insane. So we’re going to try very hard to win New York and that will be the first time — is that since Ronald Reagan, I guess? Since Ronald Reagan,” Trump said. […]

The president said his campaign would spend money on efforts to win New York and that he plans to make campaign stops. He bashed New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s performance.

“We’re going to invest in there, we’ll visit. I’m going to put it down as you know on the list,” Trump said. “For instance, we think we’re going to win New Mexico, we think we’re going to win Minnesota. We think we’re, we have a shot perhaps at Virginia because they have a very, very strange governor.”

New Mexico and Virginia too, now? Hoe kay. The way I see it, Donald Trump’s chances of winning in New York are about the same as my chances of being crowned Miss Teenage America. And New Mexico and Virginia are extremely long odds, putting it charitably. And you notice he hasn’t even mentioned California, which is interesting, because if he thinks he can win in New York, why not California? That’s an equally absurd proposition. Trump will find the cure for cancer before he wins California, you can take that to the bank.

Although, it would be interesting if the Los Angeles Times or the San Francisco Chronicle would get an interview with Trump and maybe he would tell them how he’s going to win California like he told the Post how he was going to win New York. Don’t hold your breath. New Yorkers have been listening to Trump’s bullshit for many decades, and they have a  tolerance that Californians don’t. The hatred for Trump in California is so pervasive that it’s like the sunlight. You don’t even notice it, because it’s so commonplace. But, on the other hand, Trump trying to explain why that isn’t real, and how he’s going to win anyway, would be good for a laugh, as always. I have no doubt many New Yorkers will be shaking their heads today, reading that article in the Post.



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      • Neither would the majority of the rest of the state! We do have some Red pockets primarily in the North and West, but nowhere near as many Democrats.
        When I first read this article (great writing, Ursula), I burst out laughing, scaring two of my cats sitting next to me. He truly is delusional! I can’t WAIT to see the back of him and the rest of his cabal!!

  1. If I get this right, New Yorkers were pretty pissed at tRump the first go round.
    I don’t think he has earned their good graces in the meantime.

    • New Yorkers hate Trump’s guts. I have a dear friend in Manhattan and he and I have had any number of conversations on how Trump couldn’t got back to New York if he wanted to. Remember, he was doing all the stuff in New York, way before he started doing it in Washington, stiffing contractors, having restaurants that didn’t meet code, you name it. They don’t want him back. It’s debatable whether his kids would have any kind of acceptance in New York. It’s a cinch they’re out of the top social league, the Met Gala crowd, all that. I hope they enjoy each other’s company, they’ve burned everybody else out.

  2. One of the new younger/stronger reporters at a Trump presser/rant, given the chance to ask an innocent question, should say, “Mister President, since one of the latest rumors says, “AG Barr is going down with you after the election, does this mean you have your regular lawyers lined up for your team in NYC Courts”?

    Hee-Hee I can see the bubbles bursting in Trump’s major arteries, it’s NOT TOO EARLY to plant a few flash bulbs in Trump’s CT mind where nothing makes the reality level …

    • I love the fact that I’ve read that Kamala would be the “perfect prosecutor” to go after Trump post-election. Let that one percolate in his mind as well.

      • Um, that is most likely going to be a fantasy because I don’t think the VP has that kind of authority. If she’d been among the choices for Attorney General and someone else had been tapped for VP, then the dream would be that much closer to reality.

        Granted, if it helps to give Trump nightmares (especially after that 3rd double cheeseburger and 4th helping of french fries), then I say, let him think it.

  3. Ursula, the title of this is not correct. “Stunning Departure from Reality?” 45 doesn’t walk, think, piss or shit in reality anyway. He’s got a gold toilet FFS ’cause he thinks his shit don’t stink. Another lie, another fabrication, another 45 comment. It’s going to get worse.

    • It will be strange for another 81 days and then for 78 after that. Although i think that if/Trump loses by a horrendous margin, he may just resign. Mary Trump said that. She said that it would be such a “narcissistic injury” that he would probably walk away. I guess we’re going to find out.

  4. He’s just talking shit. He’s the black knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. After King Arthur (which nowdays can be Harris or Biden – either one could do the job verbally to his face) casually chops off the black knight’s arms and legs the idiot keeps trash talking as Arthur and his party “ride” away – challenging him to come back and fight.

    Republicans just loooooved making fun of Al Gore for losing his home state of TN in 2000. It wasn’t by anywhere near as much as Trump lost the state of New York and the blowout was even bigger in NYC and Manhattan itself. I’m pretty sure he also lost the county in FL where Mar A Lago is located. Where Trump has spent most of his time they hate his ass. It showed in the vote totals in 2016 and will again this time. It’s possible that to mollify him there’s an aide pretending to be a polling expert feeding him bullshit numbers. If so I hope that person negotiated a nice golden parachute and will safely be on the way across the country on election day because Trump will go ballistic on them when the vote totals come in even if he wins the EC! Wait. Now that I think about it that person, just like others who’ve signed on to Team Trump deserve everything bad they so richly will have coming to them. I hope he’s stuck in the room as Trump cusses, throws shit at him and demands Billy Barr drive that person straight to the nearest military folks he can find for summary execution. Is it mean to wonder if some of them, with Trump having lost pretending at first they might actually do it just to piss off Trump by walking away? It would be pretty tough on the fake pollster but as I said they will have greedily lapped up a handsome salary so they will have earned some serious punishment.

  5. “I’ll solve the crime problem. I’ll solve their tax problem. I’ll solve all their problems.” What has he been waiting for? It’s just a redux of the equally empty “I alone can fix it,” not to mention yet another expression of his wannabe authoritarianism.

  6. Fyi…im 12′ tall, lightning shoots out my d*ck, & balls of fire shoot out my arse. Must be my Scottish ancestors. I bet all of NY would love to get their hands on the miserable mental maggot.


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