I know I’ve said this before, but I’m going to say it again, because it’s critical to what comes after. If you’re smart or lucky enough to be elected to the congress, or statewide office, you’re basically on the government gravy train for life.

The congressional incumbent retention rate is 94.6%. For good reason. You got elected the first time because people liked and trusted you, If you don’t betray them, why would they change? You already have a district or statewide campaign structure, a dedicated donor base, and name recognition. Just don’t screw up.

When I spoke of The Magic Number, I was of course referring to the electoral magic number, 50%. 50% +1 is what it takes to be elected. If you’re an incumbent, you have already breasted that tape at least once. And it has to be your Holy Grail for reelection. After all, you have all the advantages.

Now, let’s turn this to current conditions. As more states ho9ld their primaries, and the races are defined, the more early polling is coming out for the marquis races. And what we’re looking at is not good news for the GOP candidates.

Let’s start in Georgia, and an example of how it’s done right. The Reverend Raphael Warnock is up for a full term. GA is a red state maybe trending purple, Biden won it by 12,000 votes in 2012. The GOP views this as a prime pick up seat in 2022.

So who did they nominate for this honor? Former UGA tackling dummy and journeyman NFL player Herschel Walker, who apparently can’t string 2 coherent sentences together. The results? In a poll I saw today, it’s 50-40% Warnock, with 10% undecided. Exactly what an incumbent wants, hit the 50% mark.

Let’s stay in Georgia. Incumbent GOP Governor Brian Kemp stole the 2018 election by purging 65,000 largely African American voters from the voting rolls in the weeks leading up to the election. Stacey Abrams is up for the rematch.

The poll I saw today shows Kmp up 47-44%. This should have the Kemp campaign ordering Maalox by the boxcar full. Kemp had a Trump inspired primary and got 57%. He can’t diddle the voting rolls this time. That margin is at the edge of the margin of error. Kemp is in trouble.

Now, let’s move on to Wisconsin, where the news is even worse for the GOP. 2 term Senator Ron Johnson is up for reelection. He should be golden with his donor base, and statewide name recognition. Add to that the fact that he is one of Traitor Tot’s most avid supporters.

There is no official polling for the Senate race in Wisconsin yet, since the primary is next Tuesday. But there is a theoretical matchup poll out today pitting Johnson against presumptive Democratic candidate Mandela Barnes.

Ron Johnson may want to order Chivas in the 55 gallon drums. The poll shows Barnes leading Johnson 47-45%. I can’t tell you how terrible this is. Johnson got elected twice, he has every advantage for reelection. If he’s not only at 45%, but already trailing Barnes by 2 points, that can only mean one thing. The majority Wisconsin voters have turned against him.

As the primaries wind on, and more and more November elections are set, more polling will be coming out. In both the House and the Senate, when you look at polls, look at 2 things. First, who is the incumbent? And when you look at the poll, is the incumbent running over 50%? Remember, primaries are caca. There are multiple candidates, which makes it difficult to get 50%. But the general election tends to be mano-a-mano. If an incumbent, especially a GOP incumbent is underwater, they’re in trouble.


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  1. Don’t forget greg abbott, last poll from July 6 has him at 45-39 with 10 percent undecided. This poll is after Uvalde, but before the recent revelation that abbott spent 3 hours at a fundraiser even after hearing that the killing was happening. I even saw this on our 10pm local tv news here in San Antonio this week. Beto has money on hand and lots of momentum.

  2. btw, Chivas is the name of a popular Mexican soccer team. A chiva is a female goat. It took me a minute to figure out why Ron Johnson would need a drum of chivas.

    • Chivas is also shorthand for Chivas Regal – a pricey (because it uses 12 year old stuff) yet popular blended Scotch Whiskey.

  3. Wisconsin’s Johnson may have actually hurt himself. In 2016, Johnson pledged to retire after two terms in the Senate then he turned around this past January and decided to run for a third.

    And, according to the Wiki article on the 2022 US Senate election in Wisconsin, it looks like the polling match-up between Johnson and Barnes has been leaning in Barnes’ favor since last November. (There’s a graph showing Johnson at ~43-44% all that time, while Barnes has been edging slightly upwards the entire time.)

  4. In NC the criminal insider trader Burr, who voted against vets(I’m one), is retiring. The only reason Tillis squeaked by last time is the stupid ass democrats ran someone having an affair. Of course Republicans are all for sexual assault given their pussy grabber & Supreme Court rapist, BUT AN AFFAIR?? Anyway…I hope we’ve learned our lesson & elect a Democrat. Cheryl Beasley.

    • NC is my adopted state. The business with John Edwards was long before I moved here but I couldn’t believe with the wife he had that dumbass would go and cheat. But he did, and even worse it was with some lame documentary maker – I don’t think anyone who wasn’t a personal friend could name a single film/project of hers before or since she “documented” Edwards. But you’d think given all the promise he had and how he destroyed his own reputation and the damage he did to the rest of his family people who came along later would know the story and heed the lesson. But that dumbass Cunningham thought he was soooooo fucking special and couldn’t keep his dick in his pants! As a result we got stuck with Tillis for another term and I think we agree – had that affair not happened (and I still wonder if he didn’t fall for a “honey-trap”) Tillis would have gone DOWN. As for Burr, the only good thing I can say about him is that he kinda, sorta grudgingly allowed a slow-walked bit of work (working with Mark Warner) to illuminate some of Trump’s misdeeds with Russia. Probably because he was trying to hedge his bets and curry favor if prosecutors came a looking on his financial dealings. I had moved here prior to his last election and while I had no intention of voting for him I still learned about him, I’m being honest when I say when I saw pictures of him back then my gut reaction of his “smile” was that it was the smile of someone who enjoyed torturing small animals. I say good riddance to his being in the Senate, and have my fingers crossed that Beasley will take his place.


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