Lin Wood has stopped being a joke. He is a public menace. Lin Wood has taken it into his fevered brain, where the bats fly out of the belfry and turn into black helicopters, that he should replace South Carolina Republican Party Chairman, Drew McKissick. To that end, he told McKissick, “get out of the race” and backed up that command with a reference to Lindsey Graham, “I know about you and Lindsey.” This is bat guano on steroids, take a look.

Chinese porno vs. being a closet gay? Is that how this stacks up? Wow.

The idea that Lindsey Graham is gay is the worst kept secret in American politics.

If that is true, and I say *if* because this is unsubstantiated Twitter rumor here, and I mark it as such, then that could be a death knell for Graham’s career. And it also would explain his 180 degree spin from Trump critic to Trump lap dog.

That’s the issue here. The man is certifiable. He’s out in the world openly threatening people and then he gets up on stage and pushes QAnon. If the Republicans in South Carolina want anything to do with him in a leadership role, they are out of their minds as well.


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  1. Certifiable? You are too kind. This guy is bat-shit fucking nuts! He might not wind up being indicted and arrested, but maybe at least deemed insane, and also dangerous enough that a judge would sign a committal order. If so, and a part of him knows that once in a psychiatric institution he’ll never get out he might decide to go out in a “blaze of glory” as a “martyr” for the Q wingnuts. Or put more bluntly do what has been called suicide by cop. Of course, being a white guy that’s tough to do anymore. Being white, HE would get taken down via non-lethal force even if he was shooting an automatic weapon at them.

    I do sincerely believe this guy is a danger to himself and others. I’ll bet even some of the Q supporting conservatives wish he was locked away.

    • It’s intriguing that he wants to take over the reins of the GOP in South Carolina. At least to me, that is something to marvel at. The guy is going to keep pushing until he crashes hard, is my prediction.

    • Unfortunately, he would not meet criteria for detention in any state I know of. I agree he’s batshit crazy, and I’m a clinical social worker. But this isn’t what gets you locked up.

  2. I believe I read that his law license was being challenged and he didn’t want to go for the requested psych evaluation. Not sure how that turned out.

  3. “If the Republicans in South Carolina want anything to do with him in a leadership role, they are out of their minds as well.” They voted in Leningrad Lindsay, ‘nough said?

  4. Graham’s orientation may be a very open secret, but this loose cannon is threatening McKissick, not Graham. It could be serious, to him.

    • This seems like a comment that would come from Mr. McKissick’s campaign mgr. The problem with the large majority of politicians is they seem to believe they are indispensable.
      Now that Mr. McKissick has won the chairmanship again he needs to apologize for the unnecessary and childishly disparaging comments made about the Republicans in Greenville that voted against his candidates. I doubt that any of them want to make the SCGOP in Greenville into a “leper colony:” or the organization into a “dumpster fire” for their term of office. This is the kind of useless rhetoric that you continually hear from Democrats. Maybe that’s where Mr. McKissick belongs. He seems to able to make agreeing with them easier than accepting people in his own party that he disagrees with. He acts more like a tyrant and mugwhump than a unifier.


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