This is both siderism with mathematical notation, it is so far out there conceptually. Kat Cammack, the GOP dancing queen, gets in front of the Fox News cameras to tell the world that we’re living in the “reality TV era of politics.” The hell you say. And how did we get there, I wonder. Somebody whose name rhymes with cuckold chump, maybe?

Here are a few paragraphs from a years old Medium article, The Banality Of Evil; the Mainstreaming Of Both Siderism. Both sides don’t do it. That’s Fox News’ and right-wing media’s fiction. The RWNJs do it.

When a white teenager in Kenosha, Wisconsin fatally shoots two racial justice protesters after he and other armed vigilantes are given water and thanked by local law enforcement; when he’s allowed to walk away from the killings despite multiple eyewitnesses and video identifying him as the shooter, and he himself approaches a police car with his hands up; when he’s not arrested until the next day — we should be appalled, saddened, outraged. But we should not be surprised.

Self-appointed paramilitary formations, jacked up by conspiracy theories and internet hoaxes, armed with military-grade weapons and homemade bombs. Police forces sympathetic to — and sometimes colluding with — these domestic terrorists. Elected officials, civic leaders, the business community: either silent or caught up in the false neutrality of both-siderism.

This template for the destructive drama now playing out in America’s city streets has been on clear display in Portland, Oregon since 2017. The escalation of extra-legal paramilitary targeting of non-violent protesters was fueled by a President who responded to George Floyd’s murder by reviving the racist exhortation, “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.” It was abetted by elected officials and law enforcement spreading internet hoax panic about “antifa invasions” of small towns. But a more troubling culpability lies with the municipal leaders — elected officials, law enforcement, the business community, civic organizations — that have remained neutral as far-right domestic terrorists have mounted their assault on the rule of law and the constitutional rights to free speech and assembly.

Obama or Clinton never said, “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.” But Republicans say it all the time. Ron DeSantis said it in the past 24 hours, “you loot, we shoot.”

There is no Democratic analogue for Kyle Rittenhouse. He is a product of MAGA. There is no leftie gathering that I’ve ever been to personally or know of, where a speaker gets up and suggests that a public figure be “hung with a stiff length of rope.” But at a convention in Las Vegas over the weekend, Stew Peters suggested that that very thing be done to Anthony Fauci.

Speaking of Dr. Fauci, the demonization of that good man is the most appallingly unfair thing not only in the Trump administration, which was a non stop circus, but in the history of American politics. There is no analogue for that either.

So when Kat Cammack says on both sides, I say “show me.” Because all the lunacy is being piped in from one place only and that is Trump world, stage right.

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  1. You are right. There is no ‘both sides’ now.

    But there are two sides, one of sanity and reason and science and thought, and one side of insanity, illogic, unfounded ‘belief’, pseudo-science, and conspiracy theories; the RWNJ side.

    Unbelievably, there are enough people on the second side to threaten democracy.

  2. The Jews weren’t murdered in the nazi death camps…they volunteered for relocation. They donated all their worldly goods, including the gold in their teeth, for the righteous Aryan cause. They were so dedicated, they literally starved and worked themselves to death. Why some even asked that they live on after death by donating their skin to be made into lampshades. The non-Jewish Germans suffered too!!! It was a joint effort to Make Germany Great Again!!! Both sides had a part to play!



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