It is very difficult to get fascism entrenched into society without some kind of forced religious component, almost impossible, actually. A burgeoning fascist movement has to be able to demonstrate that God is on their side. It also grants wide leverage in punishing others when you’re carrying out God’s plan; ask the pilots that flew into the towers on 9-11, the rioters at Charlottesville, or the people that attacked officer Fanone. You must have God on your side, or you might be held accountable for hurting others and go to hell.

To that end, Rep. Mary Miller, the congresswoman whose husband’s 3%er pick-up was parked peculiarly right outside of the capitol on January 6th and once famously said – in prepared remarks, “Hitler was right about one thing, whoever controls the youth, controls the future.” (Thanks, that’s very helpful. In America, we don’t “control the youth.” We hopefully educated them well enough that they control their own future, not ours. And no one quotes Hitler approvingly without reason for doing so.) that same Mary Miller is one of three Representatives forming the “Congressional Family Caucus,” and let’s hear what she has to say. I bet it’s quite exclusive:

For years, we have witnessed a concerted effort by activists on the Left to abolish the natural family. The natural family, a man and a woman committed to life to each other and to their children, was ordained by God as the foundation of our society.

*Point of order. The left has not done a thing to “abolish” whatever you consider the “Natural family.” We stand up for those who want to expand the definition to include their family.

The natural family is essential for a nation to prosper because the family is the root of self-government, service, community, and personal responsibility.

*No. It is not.

That is why we are proudly launching the Congressional Family Caucus to defend the interests of families in Washington. The mission of the radical Left is clear: replace the natural family with the federal government.

The Left advances abortion, fatherlessness, surgical castration, and atheism. These woke progressives attempt to subvert parental rights by eliminating parental consent for abortion and “gender transition” procedures. They fill school curriculums with perverse transgender ideology and racist critical race theory.

*Point of order, the Left advances the Constitution and freedom. The moment someone gives us control of the curriculum, you will see science and freedom expanded in curriculums.

The Congressional Family Caucus will serve to defend the natural family from attempts by the radical Left to erode this core foundation of our society. We will initiate legislation favorable to American families and discuss the effects major legislation will have on the family.

What do you want to bet that their idea of “favorable to American families” is legislation that tears down people “different” than them? There is one person in America whose marriage is threatened by gay marriage, and that’s Mercedes Schlapp. Other than that… Pete and Chasen aren’t coming after Miller as monsters.

Anyway – you remember Mary Miller? She thanked Trump for making life better for white families (accidentally, I’m sure):

This is her:

Oh, you want to see her praise Hitler?

[email protected], @JasonMiciak, SUBSTACK: MUCH LEFT ADO

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  1. Yeah bitch. How’d those Hitler family values work out for the Jewish families?
    “You never ask questions when God’s on your side.”
    Bob Dylan

  2. When I hear these “family values” types talk about the natural family ordained by god, the man & woman joining for life to make and raise children I can’t help but think about how their Jeebus didn’t come along until a couple thousand years ago. And even the Old Testament stuff only goes back a few thousand years before that. Not to mention that there were human beings all over the world living and reproducing – and had never heard of the god of the bible or Jeebus. AND, for thousands of years before that there were human beings reproducing. Mostly in communal settings where “marriage”, much less for life and “ordained by god” never entered into anyone’s thinking!

  3. She sure has a lot of opinions that she can’t back up. And that most people don’t consider to be “ordained” by a deity (especially hers, who seems only to agree with her).

  4. Ahh natural families – like Lot who offered his daughters for gang rape to stop a bunch of guys from bashine his door (he also slept with them himself and got both of them pregnant), or the one where Abraham has sex with his slave because his wife wasn’t producing a son.
    And let’s not forget David making Bathsheba a widow by sending her husband off to the front line so he could be killed and let David take over, or his son, Solomon, who had countless ‘wives’, concubines and still had time to move in on the Queen of Sheba.

    All very natural. biblical, family values.

  5. Well, if she wants to lead by example, she should resign from Congress and leave all the work to MEN. After all, the Bible admonishes women to “keep silent in church” and they shouldn’t “teach men.”

    Further, wives–according to the Bible–are to be submissive to their husbands, and since she’s so gung-ho about the Biblical family unit, why has her husband allowed her to do anything outside the home? Shouldn’t she rightfully be at home, barefoot, pregnant and tending to household duties?

    • Oh, and incidentally, since she’s so fond of Hitler’s policies, she might want to remember that Hitler had practically no use for women except, essentially, as brood sows: Staying pregnant and popping out good Aryan babies every nine months or so (with only limited time to actually deal with one infant before getting pregnant again).

  6. Gosh. You guys expect her to know something of which she speaks? Yep, the Old Testament often reads like a soap opera. Ha. I’m still wondering how Moses got away with smashing the tablets in anger that God had personally written. I’m also wondering where in the hell did those slaves, who had been slaves a very long time, get all that gold to make a golden calf that pissed off Moses in the first place? Did they, like Butch’s dad, in Pulp Fiction, hide it up their collective asses? The more you know, more questions bubble up! Cult members don’t ask questions, unless it’s along the lines of ‘when will the real military Trump controls as the secret president, be used to take back his office’? Stuff like that.


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