I literally laughed out loud when I saw this Lincoln Project video ad savaging the ex (R)esident because I could picture in my mind’s eye Rick Wilson sitting in the study of his Florida home chuckling with fiendish pleasure as he wrote the copy along with suggestions for the background imagery… the shot of a man shaking viagra tabs into his hand is sheer genius.

Trump’s handlers will no doubt keep him from viewing this spot and having an aneurysm, but is safe viewing for the rest of us – if we don’t collapse in paroxysms of laughter…



Or both.


He yo-yos 30 lbs. on the regular, can’t be good for his heart.




That old Rick Wilson touch… 🤣🤣🤣


🤞 🤞 🤞



Rick Wilson is very, very good at this.

I’m gonna miss him when the Republicans run a merely detestable but not totally insane candidate…

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  1. Let’s face it…no rational family would even let him be in charge of the remote, much less the nuclear weapons that could end the existence of our species. Time for assisted living Mr. Magoo!!!

  2. “I’m gonna miss him when the Republicans run a merely detestable but not totally insane candidate…”

    Wait!!! I am sure they do not have one.

  3. I cared for my father with Parkinson’s a nd for them lewie-body dementia for the last 18 months of his life. I wouldn’t wish

    dementia on anyone. Not even Trump.
    Hateful as he is, I would rather he just have a,massive coronary or stroke that ends his life, rather than enduring this.
    For this reason I found this very unfunny, in the same way that I found his mocking the disabled reporter. We are better than this. But then the Lincoln Project is still made up of Republican conservatives who, when push comes to.shove, have referred to type, laughing cruelly at someone’s disability.

    There has to be a better way to express very real concerns about his health and his ability to function in a very stressful job. We need to demand the release of a medical.report by an unbiased and unbought doctor, unlike Doctor Ronnie “Happy Pills R Us” Jackson, because we have a right to know if a candidate is physically capable to do the job. I don’t mean disabled like JFK and FDR, but with a medical.diagnosis like dementia that impedes their ability to comprehend a complex international.situation and make a rational choice based on facts.

    And an ad like this will.backfire. His cultists will view it as making him.even more of a victim. This plays right into their hands. “Look how they’re attacking him. The economy boomed. And he was strong enough to fight the k u g flu and get out in a coupla days. Bet Biden would have needed weeks.”

    • The main reason I respectfully disagree is we are dealing with nazis who aren’t above letting brown children die in razor wire in the river, preventing federal officials intervening. They want to force women to carry fetuses born of rape no matter the girls age. They are fine with a violent attempt to overthrow our democracy, one defended by the blood of millions over the centuries. They are fine with 4000+children deliberately ripped from their families with no system or intention to reunite, a THOUSAND still missing. They are fine with lying about a deadly virus daily over a year, proposing drinking bleach, which resulted in 400k deaths and continued mutations of the virus to this day, still killing citizens. I can go on and on with their deadly inhumanity as being ok with two dozens elementary kids turned into hamburger at sandy hook. The long and short is THIS IS A DEADLY WAR. Playing nice with nazis didn’t work in 1933-1945…you can kiss their ass all the time overlooking their evil and you gain NOTHING but faux pride at how well you are turning the other cheek. We’ll have time to sort out the PC issues once the war has been won. Until then there are no rules of decorum they will respect. Just ask all the people trying to bring him to justice who are in the crosshairs along with their families. I understand your sentiment, as I see elderly people with dementia at the facilities I work in, but they too will suffer mightily if this nazi gains power. Hitler thew them into the death camps if they didn’t drag them in the street and shoot them in the head. Unless these evil killers are stopped, you won’t need to worry about anyone’s ‘feelings’.

  4. This video has been around for a couple months. I have to admit that I’ve been infected with “trump disease”. I never in my life would have made fun of anyone in decline (my mother had dementia when she finally passed at 92) but after being bombarded with all the disgusting garbage coming out of his, and his maggot followers’ mouths for all these years, I’m all in for turn about. Sorry, not sorry.


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