This is one of those situations where less is more. Alina Habba was talking to Fox News earlier today and the topic was how the Supreme Court is going to rule — on a number of issues which are of great concern to both Donald Trump and ketchup bottles everywhere. The fantasy of presidential immunity weighs heavily on Trump’s “mind” and the Supreme Court will weigh in on that.

Then there’s the matter of being kicked off of two primary ballots, in Colorado and Maine. That is certainly something that has Trump go out walking, after midnight, out in the moonlight, just his phone and his thumbs and his anxieties. It’s a major admission here that Habba is making. Color me amazed.

I think that’s asking for a lot. The “technicality” would be to use the rationale that the 14th Amendment meant to apply to every government office — but not the highest office. That doesn’t pass the smell test. But maybe. We have seen some incredible rationalizations out of the Supreme Court in our nation’s history.

I wonder if Trump will give Habba hell for saying he’s “concerned.” All all, this is Mr. Macho Macho Man, and he has it all wired, all the time. But on the other hand, if Habba said he wasn’t concerned, then that would have opened up a line of questioning that she didn’t want to deal with, either.

Maybe it’s just me, but is there an issue of attorney-client privilege here? Or, maybe the fact that she said that Trump has “publicly” stated his concern takes it out of that realm. If that’s the case, then could we know when he publicly said this, so that we can fact check it?

I think Habba’s a lousy lawyer, but then again, Trump isn’t known for attracting the cream of the crop these days.

She might be on the Supreme Court if Trump gets back in. A lot of people might be a lot of places. Kash Patel might be running the State Department, who knows?

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  1. I think that even if he were tried in Federal court he would still go to a state prison. What he is really hanging his hat on is Executive Immunity just like Trump is Absolute Immunity.

  2. this guy, this is going to end badly we all know this truth. I think it’s a comuppance
    of late Capitalism. How do I know the American experience is working, Ursula is talking junk about Abba,, I’m just plain Steve.

  3. We have seen some incredible rationalizations out of the Supreme Court in our nation’s history.

    Most especially in the 21st century.

    • dred scott, Plessy v Fergeson, Bush v gore. There have been plenty of turds by the supreme court. It is a wonder they have any respect at all. Benjamin Curtis resigned from the supreme court after the Dred Scott decision.

  4. The technicality might pertain to states passing laws or making legal decisions on federal elections and elected offices. Scotus has already shot down state laws term-limiting members of congress.
    as for attorney client privilege I wouldn’t think mentioning how Trump feels about a case would be a violation. He certainly talks about his favorite feelings, anger and rage, quite a bit. But then you’re the lawyer right? At least went to law school? Virtually everything I know about the law I learned from watching every single episode of Law and Order (including the UK version). I was retired for a while.


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