GUILTY!! Ted Cruz Violated U.S. Election Law According to FEC


The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has issued an unanimous decision against Senator Ted Cruz, finding that Cruz violated federal election law in his campaign for Senate in 2012.

 Cruz claimed that he injected his own money into his campaign but the FEC determined that Cruz improperly handled $1.1 million in campaign loans from two investment banks – Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. While federal election law does allow candidates to provide  their own resources to their campaigns, they need to be properly disclosed.

According to the Hill Reporter, Cruz put about $300,000 of his own money into the campaign and then concealed bank loans of more than $1 million.  The FEC has not revealed what type of penalty Cruz will face for violating U.S. election laws.

A campaign spokesperson dismissed the crimes as an “inadvertent” mistake.

Maybe, like Trump, he simply meant to say he “wouldn’t” instead of saying “would” hide over a million dollars in bank loans…


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