If there is a method in Lindsey Graham’s madness, he best reveal it now. He does not have a lot of support, to put it mildly, for this horrific national abortion ban bill that he is proposing. He must be trying to appeal to the hardcore religious folks, at least that is the best speculation anybody can come up with.

What’s comical is that McConnell intended to have a national abortion ban, but after, after the GOP took back the House. And now Graham has screwed everything up, bigly. Mitch McConnell is not pleased and that is to put it mildly. McConnell is not exactly a young buck anymore and he has seen his party slip increasingly out of his control. He’s smart enough to know that what Graham did today is disastrously stupid.

Mitch is a self parody of himself in this clip. I have seen this face before and thought it was photoshopped. Now I know.

Isn’t that priceless? We have seen one reason why McConnell is called The Turtle. If he could have pulled his head and neck down into his suit, he would have done it. He tried, you saw it.

And it went downhill from there. This is the uber right Daily Wire chiming in.

Never thought I’d see eye to eye with the Daily Wire, but by God, Lindsey Graham has brought that miracle to pass, verily, I say unto you.

What in God’s name is Graham thinking about?

Here is what people are thinking about him.

Watching this one unravel will be something.

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  1. I bet lindseypoo can’t even give a hand job in the sleaziest gay biker bar in South Carolina. He’s more toxic than monkeypox. Everyone has a woman in their life…I guess except this slime mold of a human being.

  2. People, please, STOP with the “evil genius” trope with this crowd. The only one who (maybe) qualifies is Liz Cheney and she’s currently in exile. There’s no method…only the madness of panic.

  3. Yertle is pissed. Big fucking deal. He should be pissed at himself and no one else since he did not head this off back when it was the tea-bagger bullshit.

    He brought this on himself certainly but also foisted it on the country due to his inaction when it was, and is, needed.

  4. What gets to me about Lindsay and McTurtle is that neither of them should have any say about what a woman can do with her body. I believe that all those old white men would love to relegate us back to the 1800s.


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