If this is America awakening, maybe America should get a bottle of sleeping pills and just O.D. for good. Many clips have come out of the weekend’s freak fest in Anahem, California. The demon spooj and magnet lady doctors were there, Michael Flynn and Roger Stone, your favorite seditionists, were there and high up on the hit parade was conspiracy theorist Clay Clark, now known as the progenitor of the Trump white board.

This is less than two minutes but well worth the listen, because this is the tribal call, right here. All the talking points are touched on. This is literally the Two Minute Hate from Orwell. You have lived to see it manifest in America.

Carlin is right. Even Barry Goldwater predicted back in the 60’s that the religious fanatics were trying to take over the GOP and that it would be a disaster if they succeeded. Goldwater’s fears have been realized. Couple that with a dumbed down electorate, the reality TV trust fund baby, and a global pandemic, and this how nuts it’s gotten.


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  1. Sorry, I couldn’t make it through the whole thing, a problem I have with most of the videos from these POS. This guy isn’t just an idiot, to quote Rex, he’s a f*cking moron, times ten.

    • You have a point, but it would have been great if more church leaders had condemned voting for Trump even if they didn’t name him specifically. I guarantee the flock would have gotten the message. Even though none condemned Kerry by name, I guarantee that at that time, the flock got the message that “no true Christian would vote for Kerry.”

  2. Well, I know what this asshole thinks about ME. Since we have conservatives that lurk here and sometimes even post get in tough with this ASSHOLE. Tell him if he’s ever in the vicinity of Raleigh NC to let them know in advance so, if he’s up for it I’ll meet up with him somewhere.

    With a sledgehammer. Tell him I will tell the butt-cheeks and asshole on his face what a piece of shit he is. And that while I believe most of the stuff his Jeebus actually preached was good he and other KKKristians don’t come close to practicing it or even trying. And that I DON’T believe his Jeebus is the son of God, or God because I don’t believe there is some divine being out there somewhere running our earth.

    And then I will offer him the sledgehammer.

    If he takes it and makes a threatening comment or move we’ll see who the fucking IDIOT is! Even though I’m old and need a cane for balance he does NOT want to try and take me on because I will be back in jarhead grunt mode. I wonder how much of that sledgehammer’s handle can be shoved up his ass?

    • There are not words to describe these vermin that are the wild flowers thrown out of the garden, simply because they steel the rain, the nutrients from the ground and shade the GOOD plants from the blessed sunlight …

      From a very long distance they appear to be an appreciated flower, but up close they betray us with a small dot of color, and hurt us with the weeds they actually are …

      The whole lot of Republicans and the extreme right Christians, INO, should be thrown out of our garden of recovering and future beautiful flowers of many colors …

      The Republicans ARE the party of NO, obstructing virtually everything the Democrats are TRYING to do for the country, And all they have to offer as alternatives … NOTHING …

      And about the handle of the sledge hammer, it should settle in pretty good as the head wedges between his ass cheeks … /S

  3. It’s always fun to watch these idiots whine and complain about how they’re being censored and not allowed to express their opinions and openly complain about the evil of “safe spaces,” but then they turn around and go out of their way to make sure their own venues and events are purged of dissenting voices and opinions and are the very safe spaces they otherwise condemn.

    • From the back cover of Jethro Tull’s album Aqualung:

      1 In the beginning Man created God;
      and in the image of Man
      created him.

      2 And Man gave unto God a multitude of
      names, that he might be Lord of all
      the earth when it was suited to Man.

      3 And on the seven millionth
      day Man rested and did lean
      heavily on his God and saw that
      it was good.

      4 And Man formed Aqualung of
      the dust of the ground, and a
      host of others likened unto his kind.

      5 And these lesser men were cast into the
      void; And some were burned, and some were
      put apart from their kind.

      6 And Man became the God that he had
      created and with his miracles did
      rule over all the earth.

      7 But as all these things
      came to pass, the Spirit that did
      cause man to create his God
      lived on within all men: even
      within Aqualung.

      8 And man saw it not.

      9 But for Christ’s sake he’d
      better start looking.


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