The CEO of Goya Foods has made it a habit to talk cray cray on television, most notably Fox News and the family who has owned Goya for three generations just voted to curtail his media appearances. In the future, Robert Unanue must obtain the permission of the board of directors before he goes on the airwaves. New York Post:

Bob does not speak for Goya Foods when he speaks on TV,” Goya board member and third-generation owner Andy Unanue told The Post last week leading up to the vote. “The family has diverse views on politics, but politics is not part of our business. Our political point of views are irrelevant.”

“I think this it is mission accomplished. Mission accomplished by the union, the partnership, the conglomerate of social media, Big Tech, big media and government, big government, for ushering in the dawn of a new world order. This great reset,” Unanue said on Fox Business’ Mornings With Maria last week. “With an unverified election, and the big prize is the United States.”

Looks like Fox News is going to have to find some new people to book. This guy and Mike Lindell, just to name two, are starting to get radioactive.

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  1. Wow…just wow. If ever there was a brutal reminder of how CEOs aren’t omnipotent god-kings, there it is. But then what corporate officer wants to lose business because some jackass can’t get his fantasy life under control?

    I actually got some Goya beans last year…not bad. But…because of all the dumb stuff Bob has done, I’ll never get any again.

  2. What it all comes down to, though, is Fox News. Have you noticed that? The guy wasn’t on ABC News discussing the New World Order, only on Fox. BTW, Bareshark, are you getting notifications of the stories? That’s crucial for me to know.

    • At this point, who else but Fox, Newsmax or OANN would host such a disgraced loon? Just so I understand you, Ursula, what do you mean by “notifications of the stories”…you mean new comments?

    • Hi Ursula. Glad that you guys are getting things going again! I am also glad that some businesses are realizing that politics has no place in business.

  3. Business is business. The cash must flow. Or sometimes some things are bad for business.

    Well, my browser does not like the temporary domain. red slash over lock.

    But getting notifications. Just didn’t know what happened. Mozilla Firefox put a full page… nope don’t go there. Certificate is …

    First time today (10:24 am central) I just got on. So all good.

  4. I’m getting the notices, but if I go over to the right and try to click on one of the stories listed, I go to that page that says connection unsafe. Wah! I want, I want, I want my Politizoom!


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