Homophobia runs deep. Into your life it will creep. The right wing is yuugely upset after the 6-3 Supreme Court decision Monday, holding that the 1964 Civil Rights Act’s prohibition on sex discrimination in employment also banned employee termination based on sexual orientation or gender identity — which they justifiably felt they could count on to go the other way, because after all, why bother to stack a court in the first place?

You have just read the most essential kernel of conservative dogma that you ever will. The Supreme Court, any court appointment, is about getting somebody in there who will

  1. Get the desired result;
  2. By voting with the team;
  3. and justifying the outcome however.

Number three is the only place where any legal skills or analysis are needed. Figure out a way to make it fly, and if you can’t make it fly, make it sound as good as possible. Give the decision plausible deniability at least.

Neil Gorsuch not only didn’t vote the right way, he even penned the decision, dear Gawd, what’s to become of us? If you think I’m being melodramatic, take a look at some of the reactions from the conservative world. They are flipping out big time. If it wasn’t for the fact that we live in a post-parody world, since the advent of Cantaloupe Caligula, I would call this hilarious. The Bulwark:

At the Conservative Review, Daniel Horowitz sent several tweets decrying the “right to transgenderism,” declared that the GOP is now the “Transgender Party” (if only!), and suggested that this is just one step on the path to rape victims being sent to reeducation camps for complaining about being sodomized in a woman’s bathroom by a cross-dresser.

At the Daily Wire, Michael Knowles said that Gorsuch redefined “the most fundamental aspect of our nature” and proffered that most conservatives prefer to be cucked than to do something to upset the status quo. (Nothing upsets the status quo more than giving a pink slip to the privileged homos.) Though, to be fair, Knowles concluded that this decision might make Gorsuch an accelerationistterm that has gained recent favor on the far right, describing (favorably) events that will hasten a race war and lead to a white ethnostate.

The Judicial Crisis Network’s Carrie Severino declared that the Bostock decision was an “imposter parading as originalism” and an “ominous sign for anyone concerned about the future of representative democracy.”

Over at Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton declared Bostock “an attack on our republican form of government.”

Degrading nations. Causing the advancement of the white ethnostate. Putting the very existence of representative democracy at threat. Well, that’s just another Monday for the gays.

Now Irony is dead, but if she wasn’t, she would inform you that what you just read was penned by a conservative Republican who used to work for Jeb Bush.

This is how wildly indignant and thoroughly betrayed the right wing feels. They feel so abused because they thought that the last thing that was going to happen was that they were going to get independent minded judges on the Supreme Court with Donald Trump making the appointments. Imagine the angst of the wingnut world yesterday when they faced the abject horror of the fact that they had put up with all of Donald Trump’s foibles, the porn star payoffs, the lies, the abuse of power, the non stop embarrassment, the photo ops. You name it, they rationalized all of it so that they could get rid of abortion and stick it to the gays. And now where are they? And what the hell was Gorsuch thinking, taking into account legal theory and the rule of law above the right-wing agenda? That is the question thundering through the conservative world right now.

While you and I drink our schadenfruede cocktalls and dance, it is altogether different on the right. If revenge is a dish best served cold, trust is a dish that must be kept frozen to stay sweet. Because when it melts, lo, it.is.bitter. And it evaporates quickly.

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  1. I find their comments and arguments very disturbing and really make me angry. I don’t know if they are that stupid to believe this drivel, or they pursue this argument for political points with their base. It just makes me shake my head.

    • I think they’re genuinely threatened people. The religious people that fear the gays are the worst. They honestly want them to “stop” that behavior, as though it was something that they had control over. I’ve tried to tell these people we are born wired the way we’re wired and they don’t believe it. They believe in Normal/Abnormal binary choice. You can’t talk to people like that. The only exceptions I’ve found are those with gay relatives ala Dick Cheney. They get it.

      • It’s not just the anti-LGBTQ agenda, it is also the thinking that you appoint judges to do your political bidding. If they have the nerve to think for themselves, then they are activist judges who are running a political agenda. I’m sure their base just eats that up, as well.

      • Over at the Federalist, in their dismay, they are saying the quiet part aloud, that Trump was supposed to give them biased judges, not “originalists.” That was just a cover word. they are saying the Federalist Society was supposed recommend judge to Trump who would reliably vote party line regardless of the Constitution.

        I rarely succumb to mean-spiritedness, but right now, I confess I am enjoying their conservative tears. They have had it coming for a long time.

        One guy wrote, “We’re done, We made our case to America, and they rejected it.” Many agreed. Hopefully this means a good portion of Trump’s base will stay home. Ironically, history might show that Gorsuch, of all people, saved America.

  2. we havent seen the decisison on abortion and repro rights so yesterdays 3 decsisions re gums sanctuary city and LGBTQ was great but they could still make sure 5 -4 that women are not allowed to have a medical procedure or the right to control their own bodies when it comes to reproduction It is time to celebrate but we cant be overly expectant this will remain the case

    • After all we’ve been through in the Trump era, I welcome any positive sign with open arms. I was so happy yesterday that we weren’t pedaling yet further backward.

    • Counterpoint: we didn’t expect yesterday to happen either and these people don’t grade on the curve. You’re either all in or you’re a traitor.

  3. Let just focus on Nov 3 cause at this rate we’ll all have ulcers. They have worked at this from the beginning and now they have nowhere to hide so telling it like it is is their platform and so we soldier on trying to get the truth out before Nov. This was a nothing to us the sc has not given us anything we haven’t a right to but watch them come against u anyway. We will have to change that too.

  4. Optimist though I am, this is more than a little concerning. As long as they thought they could get away with what they wanted through the legit political process, this crowd rarely did more than dog whistle (not counting the various lynchers, thugs and other violent types who physically went after their targets with impunity). But if they start concluding only violent action is needed, well, the examples of the IRA and PLO come to mind.

    • Yes, I didn’t mention it in my earlier comment, but over at the Federalist there is a contingent loudly calling for going out and shooting every liberal they can find. That 2nd Amendment militia that is supposed to supplement the country’s defense may be the actual insurgents. If this happens, we may see a new amendment repealing the 2nd Amendment as obviously obsolete.

  5. Crikey but if we embrace originalism, shoot we have to continue forward with black folks counting only as 3/5 of a human being each, never mind women weren’t part of the constitutional plan in which all men are created equal. Because. Well. We. Aren’t. Men.
    This gang can sure get their BVD’s in a bunch can’t they? Hyperbole much? Breathless purple prose much?

  6. Gorsuch read the text of the law, and stuck with that, instead of making assumptions about what the legislators were thinking when they wrote it. Isn’t that what conservatives wanted?

  7. As transactional as he is, this must be chapping Trump’s a$$.
    He “gave” two of them their positions and they are supposed to vote the way he wants. Ingrates!!

  8. ‘While you and I drink our schadenfruede cocktalls and dance, it is altogether different on the right. If revenge is a dish best served cold, trust is a dish that must be kept frozen to stay sweet. Because when it melts, lo, it.is.bitter. And it evaporates quickly.’

    Great imagery in metaphor!

    Still sampling the taste, (isn’t schadenfreude sweet?), and dancing over here.

    • Concinnity,
      Ursula’s lyrical prose is the reason I joined this site. Don’t know why, but her writings always reach in and grab my heart!


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