I’ve heard some winning slogans in my life, but this one of Mark Robinson’s is not likely to last nor reverberate. Robinson is a die hard MAGA who has endorsed Donald Trump for president and who is himself running for Governor of North Carolina. Here are his words of unity and persuasion.

Here are a few more of his bon mots, if you’re just now getting acquainted with this guy.

Trump loves him, naturally, and has thanked him today on Truth Social for his endorsement.

Back to the Stone Age with MAGA.


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  1. sigh. No Mr. Robinson, it doesn’t work that way. You look crazy to us because you are crazier than a shit house rat. As soon as any of you people start talking demons, demon spooge, and all of the rest of your insanity (and there is no end to it), we make a mental note not to listen to your dumb-ass nonsense because you are several tons of brick short of a load.

    That, Robinson, is how these things work.

  2. Little wonder the level of discourse in society has deteriorated to the point spernatural beliefs hold more relevance than facts stairing us in the face. The sad reality is people who are unwilling to engage in impacts of socio-economic factors on the daily lives of people,prefering to believe human behavior is shaped by spirits, is someone willing to carry out atrocities in the name of fighting demons. Equally disturbing is the realization people actually vote for these nut jobs and from what i have acccess from his statements- this clown is the consummate ignoramus; too ignorant to realize just how scary his rhetoric is perceived by others.

    • It’s Dunning-Kruger syndrome, he’s too ignorant to know how ignorant he is.

      And also too stupid to know how stupid he is.

  3. No, Ms Robinstoned (hey, if it feels that the LGBTQ+ community doesn’t deserve to be respected, why should I respect its pronouns or name?), we all think you’re crazy because WE ARE SANE. Your First Amendment guarantee of “freedom of religion” ends where it conflicts with MY First Amendment guarantee of “freedom of religion” and, yes, jerkwad, that DOES mean “no religion” as well; all religions (ALL religions) are little more than philosophies and atheism and agnosticism are just as valid philosophies as whatever nonsensical crap you think you believe.

    You might also want to remember that YOUR Jesus–at NO point in His ministries–spoke a single word about homosexuality (or even the concept–what we understand as “homosexuality” today was NOT known in the First Century of the Common Era; men had sex with men, men had sex with women, men had sex with sheep and goats). It was PAUL–who NEVER actually met Jesus during His original ministries–who decided to invoke the “no homosexuality” deal (but, even then, he was largely discussing it in terms of things like rape, coercive sex and temple prostitution–again, our modern understanding of homosexuality, as a more-or-less exclusive sexual and emotional relationship between two members of the same sex was absolutely unknown in the Biblical era; notwithstanding the example of the Emperor Hadrian, just a few decades after most of the canonical New Testament had been written–he was far “gayer” in his personal life than most Roman emperors had been or would later be). And Paul also just happened to say that marriage was evil–not same-sex marriage, mind you, but the practice as a whole. His wording was that if men could not control their base lusts before Jesus’s “imminent return” (which has been talked about for 2000 years and counting) then they should “take” a wife (note–the women’s interests were completely irrelevant) but Paul’s own teachings were that “Christians” should remain celibate.

    And I’ll guarantee you that Jesus NEVER mentioned transgender individuals (nor did Paul, for that matter) even though some Near Eastern cultures of the era DID have some concept (the female Pharaohs, for instance, all wore fake beards for official state matters–the Queen was the wife of a Pharaoh but a woman COULD become Pharaoh under the right circumstances). Also, the aforementioned “temple prostitution” had many, what we now consider “transwomen” or “two-spirit individuals” in addition to those who, by today’s standards, would identify as “male” (but would normally be treated as “socially inferior” to the male patrons who utilized their services). The worship of goddesses like Ishtar/Astarte and Inanna and Isis and Venus/Aphrodite frequently involved temple prostitution in which males and females sold their bodies (usually as a penance for some wrongdoing).

    • on what basis are you claiming that “temple prostitution” was penance? The priestess represented the goddess and sex was a sacrament.


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